Member Since: 03/12/2004
Band Members: everything posted is the station signal (brandt and unsung).
Influences: music: the gun club clouddead band of horses planes mistaken for stars el-p sole dose why? fog detachment kit the damned tv on the radio subtle 13 & god wolf parade swan lake cannibal ox grizzly bear wilco the locust the station signal ----------literature: haruki murakami ryu murakami michel hollebecq georges baitaille bernard malamud vladamir nabokov john fante albert camus j.d salinger charles bukowski don delillo t.s elliot gregory corso e.e cummings kenzaburo oe -----------Movies: royal tenenbaums donnie darko lost in translation the goonies ghost busters you me and everyone we know labryinth never ending story battle royale basketball diaries the life aquatic ghost world the princess bride the great outdoors uncle buck dead man tomb stone back to the future lord of the rings trilogy tmnt (the first movie) akira garden state rosemary's baby the omen the exorcist hell raiser nightmare on elm street and many more----------------------------
Sounds Like: a slow march toward a sinking sun horizon, or being stuck waiting for something thats never coming. also, it sounds like herb albert and his tijuana brass band, yeah pretty much like that,maybe.
Record Label: who ever has the cheese, pony up.