Mr. Loureiro profile picture

Mr. Loureiro


About Me

My name is Brandon, im very much in Love with my girlfriend Aaron, im very sarcastic...sorry in advance, life is supposed to be enjoyed, so i try to enjoy it to the fullest every single day and not take it too seriously, i smoke way too much(its MY bad habit)I should be attending the Los Angeles School of Recording pretty soon. Im a 20 year old drummer, been drumming for about 12 years, i was in a band called AMNESTY, we never got huge but the band did take the number three spot in all of LA county for the bodog battle of the bands, but unfortunately the band broke up before we could play the show at the Roxy in Hollywood.Now im in a band called SINCERELY,ME...CHECK US OUT AT MYSPACE.COM/SINCERELYMECA.I have four peircings(my snake bites and my 00g ears, i did them myself).Im into ALOT of bands, go ahead and take a look to the left,and yes even though i listen to all this "emo/hardcore/screamo" stuff doesnt mean i cant appreciate some good jazz and classical arrangments with the occasional dark melodies of Dimmu.
if youd like to talk to me, my AIM is checkurpulse86

My Interests

Im a drummer. Music is my hobby, my life, my everything, i started playing drums about 12 years ago,i used to play alto saxaphone and almost every kind of percussion you can imagine, but now i just kick it behind my drum kit, so yeah there ya go. Thats me.

I'd like to meet:

Brandon Saller.


From First to Last
Roses Are Red
A Thorn For every Heart
Taking Back Sunday
The O.C Supertones
Number One Gun
Number One Fan
Norma Jean
Breakdance Vietnam
The Blood Brothers
Armor For Sleep
Greeley Estates
National Product
April Sixth
Mourning September
Nevada Sky
Breakdance Vietnam
Boys Night Out
Story of The Year
Circa Survive
The Sound of Animals Fighting
The Postal Service
The Spill Canvas
As I Lay Dying
The Used
Haste the day
Light This City
Black Daliah Murder
Bring me The Horizon
In Flames
Fight Paris
Killswitch Engage
Ananotmy of a Ghost
High and Driving
The Juliana Theory
The Recieving End of Sirens
Chasing Victory
Gatsbys American Dream
The Mars Volta
Dimmu Borgir


ok then here we go...
Jay and Silent Bob
Dumb and Dumber
Half Baked
Cheech and Chong up in Smoke
Harold and Kumar
American Beauty
Road Trip
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
Dazed and Confused
Johnny Dangerously
Super Troopers
Fight Club
The Deer Hunter
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
The Breakfast Club
Detroit Rock City
Dude, Wheres My Car?
Black Hawk Down
The Boondock Saints
and many more...


The Simpsons, King of the Hill,South Park, Futurama, Family Guy, Friends, Seinfeld, American Dad, Lost, Greys Anatomy, Heroes...


mystery and suspense


i dont think i really have any heroes....thats kinda sad haha

My Blog

5 years after 9/11/2001

What were you doing five years ago on this day? i was 14 and a freshman in highschool, i remember waking up and turning on the tv and seeing one of the towers ingulfed in smoke, and my mother crying. ...
Posted by Mr. Loureiro on Mon, 11 Sep 2006 11:11:00 PST

between fear and faith....

Between Fear and Faith Is my place of virtue and safe surrender Fear of getting caught...and punishment winning Faith it will keep my mind at ease...and my temper as well Wisps and Whirls of gray dis...
Posted by Mr. Loureiro on Tue, 04 Jul 2006 04:07:00 PST


I find myself staring at your eyes againand trying to memorize your faceloving the feel of your warm skinmy heart quickens its paceI'm thinking about how right this feelslying here with you by my side...
Posted by Mr. Loureiro on Sun, 16 Apr 2006 05:10:00 PST

Goodnight Love

Dream dreams of gold....and desire only what you can grasp, lusting after what is untouchable is likely never to happen.Love is the only thing i am able to grasp, but yet it slips through my finger ti...
Posted by Mr. Loureiro on Sun, 21 Aug 2005 04:43:00 PST

How to be scene?? hahaha

NOTE : I Love At First Sight, did not write this...i found it on another page and found it hilarious...enjoy. First and foremost, your AIM screen name should be some rad song title and/or lyric. Remem...
Posted by Mr. Loureiro on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

The fear of life itself

The pain, the hurt, the swelling of misery and fright that fills my stomach is all but growing worse, for I am afraid of losing the very thing i still desire. The moist stagnent air of regre...
Posted by Mr. Loureiro on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Good Job Fuck Face.

ok some of you know i had this big term paper due today, welll first off i lost my outline for the damn thing, called a bunch of people to get it and i couldnt get a hold of anyone, so i thought id re...
Posted by Mr. Loureiro on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Heres a lil poetry about a sad time in my life...If I was myself For one honest second, And the clarity was available to my eyes, ...
Posted by Mr. Loureiro on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

people bug...but forgive them.....christ has

hmmmm....tonight i came to the realization that life is too full of meaning and is way to short o hold any kind of hate towards anyone....tonight i was out with friends and a group of guys were talkin...
Posted by Mr. Loureiro on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

the lip ring is back

yes the lip ring is back...and im getting alot of shit about it from my mom too...but the story goes like this...bought the 14g needle....bought the jewlery, messed up the first time, let the blood po...
Posted by Mr. Loureiro on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST