XxHate Burns DeepxX profile picture

XxHate Burns DeepxX

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

Oh ya there's a pic of my oh so adorable face in my pictures. Just make sure there's a trash can nearby in case you gotta puke. Nah I'm not that bad, just feel like it. Or am I.....? I know very few people in town anymore, I've been gone since 1991. Tara hates me but I love her. I appreciate the term "old school" because I am old school. I have 7 (one had babies) guinea pigs (I have pics of them if you would like to see). I don't know how many guns I have. I own a lot of cd's. I prefer beer to liquor. I think age is just a number. I am constantly bored outta my skull, of course have you ever been to Winfield? I work and then come home and rarely if ever go anywhere because there's no where to go. I want a career in the criminal justice system. I was in the Marines from 98-02. I played guitar in a hardcore band from 93-98. I am unusally quiet. I prefer younger girls and can't imagine being with a girl who is over 25. Don't ask me why. Why do some guys prefer blondes? Same thing I think. I like steel toed boots. I think I've been seriously depressed since January of 2005, thanks luv. Fucking hell, I'll add more as it comes to me.
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The COMPLETE About me survey!
Name: Zach
Gender: I'm a dude.
Age: 34 going on 24
Screen Name: Where? Dumb question.
Birthday: If I tell you, you better send me a present.
Race: White guy.
School/Grade: I'm so done with that crap.
Job: I work with shit.
Status: Single
Hometown: Winfield, KS
Current Town: Sadly Winfield KS
Parents Still Together?: Yep
Siblings: What a dumbass
Pets: 5 guinea pigs.
Smoker: Just smoke fools with my gat.
Drinker: It's a hobby.
Virgin: Where? Is she offering?
Orientation: Straight
Drugs: A looooong time ago
Hair Color: Brown
Is It Dyed?: Nope
Eye Color: Blue
Height: About 5' - 7 3/4"
Style: I have no style hahahhaaa
Glasses/Contacts/None?: Got me some fancy contacts
Freckles: Thank god no.
Body Type: Yes I have a body.
Shoe Size: The size that fits up your ass
Piercings: Nope
Want More?: More of what?
Tattoos?: Nope
Want More?: What's with this asking for more crap.
Braces?: HAHHAHHHHHAAA fuck no. Freak.
Overall Best Feature:: I don't think I have any.
Overall Worst Feature:: Well I am one ugly bastard.
Do you get most of your traits from mom or dad?: Who the fuck cares.
Favorite Color: Black
Worst Color: Anything that is bright and stupid looking.
Favorite Number: 88
Favorite Animal: The ones that are tasty.
Least Favorite Animal: I don't really have a least favorite.
Favorite Flower: Whatever.
Favorite Food: The kind that tastes good.
Worst Food: Ya there's some I don't like
Favorite Junk Food: I got these cheeeese burgers man.
Worst Junk Food: If it's the worst, why the fuck would I eat it.
Favorite Restaraunt: Sure as hell isn't any in this town.
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Rocky road.
Favorite Candy: Peanut M+M's
Favorite Alcoholic Drink: Guinness
Favorite NON Alcoholic Drink: Diet Pepsi
Worst Alcoholic Drink: Those damn foo foo drinks.
Worst NON Alcoholic Drink: Now why would I drink that?
Favorite Genre of Music: Punk and Hardcore
Worst Genre: Anything that is not Punk and Hardcore
Favorite Band/Artist: Oh way too many to list.
Worst Band/Artist: I would say any of those "who the fuck are they?" rappers.
Favorite Song: GI Joe Headstomp is pretty damn good
Worst Song: See the above rapper thing.
Favorite Radio Station: Fuck the radio. They all suck.
Favorite Book: ATF P 5300.4 - Federal Firearms Regulations Reference Guide 2005
Worst Book: Harry Potter. Hahahaha take that.
Favorite Type of Movie: Horror and comedies
Worst Type of Movie: Most dramas
Favorite Movie: Up In Smoke
Worst Movie Ever: Pick any of Van Daam's movies
Favorite TV Show: Family Guy, Reno 911, Rescue Me
Wost TV Show: MTV
Favorite Season of the Year: Fall
Worst Season: Summer
Best Friend: Eh I don't have one anymore
Worst Enemy: Hmmm probably some guy in Michigan.
Favorite Day of the Week: I hate every day.
Least Favorite Day of the Week: See above.
Favorite Sport: Is drinking beer a sport?
Sport You Hate: College sports
One thing you cant get enough of: Guns
One thing you hate more than anything: Too many to list.
Are You Single?: Yes. Wanna make fun of me too?
If not, who is your bf/gf?:
How Long Have You Been Together?:
If You're Single, Do you Like It?: Eh it has good points.
Do You Have a Crush On Anyone Right Now?: Werll duh.
First Kiss: July 5th 1989. Ali Holt....On a train from Paris to Madrid
Ever Kiss in the Rain?: Why would I be in the rain?
In a Movie Theater?: Nope.
Underwater?: Nope.
First Love: Bad question. Sore subject.
Have you ever Cheated on Anyone?: Nope.
Been Cheated on?: Yes
Used Someone?: Probably, but not aware of it.
Been used?: Why yes I have been...it was fun hahahaa.
Lied to your bf/gf?: Who hasn't.
Ever Made out With Just a Friend?: Yep.
Ever Had Sex With Just a Friend?: Yep.
Are You a Tease?: No, I get teased.
Do you Flirt a Lot?: HAhhahaa fuck no.
Longest Relationship: 2 1/2 years. She's married now.
Shortest: A few hours hahaha.
Have you Ever Gotten a Poem?: What? That's the gayest thing.
Ever Get Flowers?: Nope never. Sent flowers cuz I'm so smooth.
Sweetest Thing You've Ever Gotten: Blowjob count?
Do you Like Valentine's Day or Sweetest Day?: Nope hate it. And wtf is Sweetest Day? Some Cannuck shit?
Do you Believe in Love at First Sight?: Kind sorta maybe
Do you Believe in "The One"?: Sure do.
Do you Fall in Love Fast?: Probably
Are you a Player?: I don't think so. But maybe.
Would you ever Hook Up With Someone of the Same sex?: Nope
Have You ever Kissed 2 People in One Day?: Yes
Kissed 2 People At One Time?: No
Had Sex with 2 People in One day?: Maaaaaaybe.
Had sex with 2+ People at One Time?: Maaaaaaybe.
Ever cried over someone of the opposite sex?: Wouldn't you like to know.
Ever Been Dumped?: Yes
Ever dumped someone?: Not really
Ever been rejected?: All the time. I am a pro at it.
Do you have a lot of ex's?: Nope.
Are you a slut?: Depends on who you ask.
Ever been called one?: Not that I am aware of
Ever dated someone more than once?: Nope
Do you ever make the first move?: I have but usaully don't.
Double dates or single?: Single of course. The other guy would probably steal my date.
Do you want to get married?: I want a beer.
OPPOSITE SEX (what you're attracted to)
Hair Color: Brown, dark blond.
Short or long?: Prefer shorter. Maybe shoulder length.
Eye color?: Blue
Style: The style that likes me.
Age: If you're between the ages of 18 and 28.
Height: 5' to maybe 5'6"
Weight: Eh it doesn't matter that much.
Muscular or skinny?: Muscle chicks scare me.
Boxers or Breifs?: Either..they look the same on the floor.
Do you care about looks?: Yes and if you say you don't...you're lieing.
Can you drive?: I hope so because I have to get to work in the morning.
Do you have a car?: I have 2 actually.
Do you have a cell phone?: Just for work. Don't call me on it unless I said you can.
Are you online a lot?: Ya, I have no life.
Do you like gay/bi people?: Don't mind them...Just not those total flamers.
Can you speak another language?: I can probably get by in France.
Do you do well in school?: High scool yes, college...could have done better.
Do you collect anything?: Collect is a bad word. Hording would be better. Guns and ammo. :)
Have an obsession?: Tara
Do you hate yourself?: Well of course..who doesn't.
Ever smile for no reason?: Fuck that
Talk to yourself?: In the car all the time.
Do you have any regrets?: Sure I do.
Believe in magick?: Hahahaha no. Fucking new age hippies.
Do you support gay marriage?: Nope.
Sex before marriage?: Once again...are you offering?
Do you trust people easily?: For the most part.
Forgive easily?: Depends on what the issue was.
Do you have a secret no one knows?: Of course.
Do you get along with your parents?: I'd prefer to not see them. They annoy me.
What about other people?: They annoy me too. Fuck off.
How do you vent your anger?: I go on random killing sprees.
Do you like George Bush?: Never met the man. He is entertaining though.
Goal Before you die?: I'd liek to own a house, make more than $30k/year. Own a machinegun.
Biggest Fear: Still being alone forever.
Beggest Weakness: Big blue eyes. Hahahaha.
Do you play an instrument?: Guitar but I had to sell it.
What do you want to be when you grow up?: A rock star.
Are you...
A bitch?: Yep
A daydreamer?: No
Shy?: Yes I am.
Talkative?: I am, just not to you.
Energetic?: Sometimes....just not in the morning.
Happy?: Never am anymore. Thanks luv.
Depressed?: Yes I am. Thanks again luv.
Funny?: Oh ya...let me telll you.
Slutty?: Sometimes. Wanna help the cause?
Boring?: I probably am.
Mean?: Oh I can be.
Nice?: I can be. But it depends on who you ask.
Caring?: Nope don't care. Fuck you.
Trustworthy?: I think so.
Confident?: Nope
Friendly?: Depends on who you are.
Smart?: Smart ass that's for sure.
Sarcastic?: Hell ya I am.
Dependable?: Yep.
Quiet?: Only when I'm sober.
Weird?: I don't think so. It's everyone else who is.
Adaptable?: The Marine Corps taught me well.
Strong (emotionally)?: Nope. I'm a wreck.
Strong (physically)?: Not really.
Mature?: Kinda sorta sometimes.
Logical?: I think I am.
Religious?: Nope
Modest?: Yep
Indesicive?: I can't make up my mind on this one.
Sympathetic?: Nope. Don't care.
Polite?: Usually. Unless you fuck up my McDonald's order.
Creative?: Not really.
Fun to be around?: Sometimes.
Loveable?: Eventually
Easily Amused?: Shiney things are fun.
Outgoing?: No I wanna sit at home and rot.
Daring?: I have been.
Clumsy?: Not really.
Nosy?: Nope but my mom is.
Lazy?: Yep...is it bed time yet?
Scary?: I have been told that.
Optimistic?: Half empty all the time.
Persuasive?: Nah I just don't care.
A good listener?: Huh?
Curious?: Depends on what it is.
Determined?: Depends on what I am doing.
Determined?: Twice huh? That's nice.
Artistic?: No way. My friend gave me a C in art class lol. Twice.
Honest?: I try to be.
Respectful?: Depends on who you are.
Concieted?: Nope
Cocky?: Nope
Controlling?: Nope
Playful?: With my parent's dog, yes.
Easygoing?: Ya isn't it terrible.
Carefree?: I don't care.
Hot Headed?: Oh ya lol.
Serious?: Sometimes.
Thoughtful?: I can be. But then again I can be an asshole too.
Considerate?: To myself yes.
Stubborn?: Ya probably.
Romantic?: Go ask someone I was "romantic" with.
Ambitious?: I have ambitions. Not sure if I will get there though.
Jealous?: Very.
Insecure?: Yep.
Obsessive?: Uh kinda. Guns...Tara....
Attentive?: If it's interesting of course.
Helpful?: Only at work.
Punctual?: I am unless it's showing up to work. Ooops.
Rational?: I think I am.
Sincere?: Most of the time.
Tolerant?: For the most part yes and it sucks.
Did you enjoy this survey?: Not really
Was it too long?: Ya think?
Do you think it contained just about everything?: Nope...didn't ask me about the shit I took today.
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My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

No one. You can all fuck off.

Unless you know who you are. And there are some of you out there. Or if you'd wanna meet me for some reason, then I'd be up for meeting you of course. And if you've read this far and wanna say hi, feel free to on Yahoo IM: xxguinnessforstrengthxx Later.


I like old punk, hardcore and Oi!. If it's on Mtv, it can go fuck off. Agnostic Front, Sick Of It All, Killing Time, Sheer Terror, Madball, Sham 69, Ten Yard Fight, Up Front, Negative Approach, The Bruisers, Youth of Today, Judge, Gorilla Biscuits, Token Entry, Bold, Krackdown, Turning Point, No Redeeming Social Value, Patriot, Chorus of Disapproval, One Life Crew, Integrity, Strife, Insted, Gut Instinct, H2O, Warzone, Murphy's Law, Skarhead, Vietnom, Blood For Blood, Slapshot, Anti-Heroes, Pitboss 2000, 7 Seconds, Straight Ahead, Project X, Life's Blood, Youth Defense League, Breakdown, The Queers, Wide Awake, Social Distortion, Minor Threat, 25 ta Life, Side By Side, Screeching Weasel, 4 Skins, Blitz, GFY, Joe Coffee, Exploited, Everybody Gets Hurt, Billyclub Sandwich, District 9, Vision of Disorder, And of course the Almighty SLAYER.




Cheech and Chong movies, Full Metal Jacket, A Bronx Tale, Saving Private Ryan, Caddy Shack, Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas, Goodfellas, Super Troopers, Swingers, Walk The Line, Fast Times At Ridgemont High, Suburbia, SLC Punk, Apocalypse Now, Devil's Rejects, Alice In Wonderland, Taxi Driver, Scarface, to name a few. I also like B-grade horror movies and most comedies. If it's a comedy or a horror and it's PG-13, they should redo it until it's R.


I rarely watch tv beacuse it all sucks. I'll watch TLC, History Channel, and maybe Comedy Central. I like Family Guy, Chappell's Show, King Of The Hill, Reno 911, Rescue Me and a lot of other old tv shows that are on DVD now such as the Young Ones.


Any gun books and military history books. I have too many of them. My book shelf is overfilled.


All my heroes are dead.

My Blog

Again today

First time in a while.  I wasn't happy with the outcome.  Still love you though sweetie.
Posted by XxHate Burns DeepxX on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 11:50:00 PST

Firearm Refresher Course

FIREARMS REFRESHER COURSE    1.  An armed man is a citizen.  An unarmed man is a subject.  2.  A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone.  3.  Colt: &...
Posted by XxHate Burns DeepxX on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 10:59:00 PST

Need a time machine

set to 2 years ago.  
Posted by XxHate Burns DeepxX on Thu, 22 Nov 2007 08:31:00 PST

Coincidence..I think not

So I went to San Antonio to see my friend and see a few bands this weekend.  I flew out of Oklahoma City.  Now the last time I flew, there were waaaaay too many things that happene...
Posted by XxHate Burns DeepxX on Sun, 04 Nov 2007 12:58:00 PST

Turn your cam on nigger

Tonight I was cleaning my new rifle and having a beer.  I remember doing this usually weekly a couple of years ago.  Except then I would contstantly get interrupted by an IM, "Turn...
Posted by XxHate Burns DeepxX on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 09:02:00 PST

How about yours?

Ya so last night I had a real smile for the first time in god knows how long.  Don't ask me why or I will kill you.  I will just have to see what happens.
Posted by XxHate Burns DeepxX on Sat, 11 Aug 2007 09:09:00 PST

A phone call

So Monday night I got a surprise.  I got a phone call.  Havn't talked to her since May or so.  It was nice to hear her voice.  The funny thing about it, she called 411 to get my nu...
Posted by XxHate Burns DeepxX on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 05:26:00 PST

Words of Wisdom from the Rev Paulie Bearer

So there's this guy named Paul Bearer.  If you don't know who he is don't worry about it.  He is/was in a couple of bands.  He's a pretty funny guy but he tells it like it is no matter ...
Posted by XxHate Burns DeepxX on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 09:20:00 PST

Fuck the Police

Oh ya, I guess I am not Sheriff's Dept material.  Had to be the result of my polygraph, psych eval or background check.  I do not know which.  Could have been any of them actually. ...
Posted by XxHate Burns DeepxX on Sat, 07 Oct 2006 07:10:00 PST

Ali and her ac.

So here's some backgorund info for this.  I used to be madly crazy in love with this girl named Ali all through high school and the first few years of college.  We only went out once and I h...
Posted by XxHate Burns DeepxX on Sat, 07 Oct 2006 07:03:00 PST