nth much too oh. hehe i'm a boring person..lalala~ surfing net..sing songs..read interesting bks (definitely not sch books) yuPx..oh! and i love cats!! =) yesh..
ehx..ppl loh. hehe..old friends? yupx..and new ones of coz..hurhur..but i doubt anyone will know me here.. =P
music by : simple plan..blue..eminem..p!nk..blink 182..lene marlin..matchbox20..our lady peace
lordy..pirates of the caribbean..matrix..a walk to remember..X2..how to lose a guy in 10 days..romeo+juliet..spiderman
not sure too..i read books that are interesting bahx =) ehhee..risika booky
hMMM..not too sure too oh..da sun? hurhur..always providing light for us =X lol