ALEXANDER profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

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About me:
get fucked! I'll gladly leave you to your shopping mall, shit tooth grin, alternative fucking listening, intricate art, indie film watching, vitamin water, panera bread, sub culture bull shit! fuck yo' couch! diy for life!
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Kucinich 4 President

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My Interests

likes!:records, baseball, vegan food, hanging out, my best bud and not so best ones, orange juice, comic books, zombie movies, philosophy, reading, talking, listening, popsicle jokes, thrashin', chest tappin', all types of dumb shit.
dislikes!:world of warcraft, radio rap, radio music in general, fast food, hipsters, dane cook, carlos mencia, religion, time, money, religious assholes, macho bros, etc. yawn!

I'd like to meet:


recent trax!
top weekly!

as shown above: emo, emo-violence, thrash, grind, power-violence, rap, metal, hardcore, crust, indie-rock, whatever.


"tv!?, tv!?, tv!?, read a fucking book!"
curb your enthusiasm


animal liberation and a lot more.


people who fucking think!!!!

My Blog

Veganism / Atheism : Why?

The majority of people in the country  believe that being vegan/vegetarian and atheists are extreme lifestyles. I don't think I need a Zogby poll to back me up on that one. So, I'll try to justif...
Posted by ALEXANDER on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 07:00:00 PST

Scenie Weenie ( / Jair)

"The scene sucks.  The end.No, just kidding.But seriously, am I the only one who realizes how enormous and repulsive of a trend this whole scene thing has become?  Scene is the new goth, exc...
Posted by ALEXANDER on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 08:12:00 PST