The Story of Yung Daze Begins In North Trenton...Dayln John Kelly Was Born In North Trenton. But Grew Up In North East Philadelphia where he spent most of his life, Music inspired his lifestyle, his favorite hip hop artist growing up were 2pac, Biggie, Pun, Lil Wayne, Baby,Listening to these artists there was alot in common between them, All them were outstanding artists and they all produced also, Growing up his father Beat Him And Daze was going threw a hard time in life with all his family members dying, even tho his father didn't leave, it was hard growing up with his parents, Daze had noone in the rap game...At the age Twelve, Daze got more into the music scene and he started writing, and recording a little bit, but he also recognized something else he was able to do, Produce, Daze started producing and at age fourteen started Homicide City Records and met up with Philly that year and joined the V.I.P. (Victomized In Philly) One of North Phillys Baddest Cliques Back in the day..At Age Fifteen Daze Projectz Records Kicked off with Daze as A&R of the label, he recorded a couple songs and started making things happen, now living in NE Philly/ Parkland, He's Been deep into the rap and producing game for three years, and got alot of love when Philly was working with black wall streetAll this pain helps Daze keep moving on and on. Whether writing, recording, or doing whatever it takes. Philly finds ways to dig deep into his soul, and bring out that inner strength that tells him to go on and follow his dreams.Special thanks, from Daze:
Shout outs to My Family, Philly, Young Ru, Hannible, Bobby, Lugo, Angel, Gene, B.Easy and 5th, Jt, Kraz-E, V.I.P. E.1.R, M.O.B., MURDA, AND, B's ^, Projectz Records and to everyone who supports me.
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