Kalani "Crusafix" Caraballo born August 18th,1987 in Honolulu Hawaii, but raised between New Jersey & New York. Finally calling Kearny,NJ home he was raised in a single parent home. He had a weird up-bringing but introduced to music by his mother cleaning the house, "Mom's use to listen to alot of the classics and what was hot at the time while cleaning the house many styles like R&B,Rock,Salsa, and Pop" . He would later be introduced to Hip Hop by his cousins "They put me onto alot of the 90's classics like Nas,Wu-Tang,The Fugees,Jay-z and many others". From memorizing lyrics of some of Hip Hop's greats to staying up recording songs off the radio, Crusafix has taken his love of Hip Hop a step further.Crusafix as his friends,associates, and fans know him by has been rhyming close to 4 years now. From battling, to appearing on local artist's mixtapes to even dropping 7 mixtapes of his own he is now working on his debut album "Jersey Bible"."The last 4 years of my life have been an amazing experience,alot of learning and growing as an artist aswell as self growth within myself, I finally feel ready, and I think the world is ready to get a first person experience into the life,times,and hardships of Crusafix".Drawing inspiration from the likes of Jay-z,Nas,Joe Budden and Big Pun, Crusafix has developed his own style of honest lyrics with a smooth delivery & flow with Witty Punchlines. Not trying to fall into the category of your regular Hip Hop artist today Crusafix draws his music from whats going on in the world today and the world as told by himself.In the song "Darkside Of The Moon" he speaks on the unknown and the elusive but quiet topic of government conspiracy, on "Now A Days" he explains his thoughts and concerns of Hip Hop today in a non-prachy way. He Has songs for everybody like "On Time" a song about a perfect summer in the Garden State. His album features production by Nemisis,Phantomz,Oddateee,Paulie Hussle and many more.Also being apart of many groups and being offered many deals from various labels that have since faltered Crusafix has found a solid foundation and home within Gritty Records. "I feel being apart of Gritty Records has helped me develop and grow more as artist I feel it was a perfect home for my music".Jersey Bible is said to be Crusafix's shining moment as an artist and for the state of New Jersey which he calls home. It may be nothing to others but means something to the self-proclaimed underdog of the game we know today as Hip Hop... "; .. ..I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!