U LIKE THAT SHIT HUH! | I KNOW U DO!!!..1 I WANT TO SAY WHAT UP TO ALL MY HOMES, MY NAME IS ROBERT MAY AND I AM THE BADEST MOTHER FUCKER U WILL MEET IN FILLMORE. I AM 18. MY B-DAY IS SEP.21. I DRIVE A 64 NOVA I JUST GOT 3 JLAUDIO 13" W6 AND A ROCKERFOSGATE 24000 "TURE WATES RMS " AMP I HAVENT GOT IT IN YET BUT WHEN I DO TRUST ME U WILL KNOW. NOW THAT I HAVE MY NEW TRANNY IN I WILL BE GETTING IT PAINTED. IF U KNOW ANYONE OUT THERE THAT PAINTS GOOD HIT ME UP PLZ CUZ I WANT TO GET THIS GOING I WILL BE PAINTING IT VIPER RED WITH WHITE PERAL GHOST FLAMES. U KNOW U LIKE IT!The IILM Commandments1. Thou shalt be a member of the I.I.L.M. until death, or until removed by the High Council of the I.I.L.M.2. Thou shalt not Myspace under the influence.3. Thou shalt not bring tequila into the Manor.4. Thou shalt not question the decree's of the High Council of the I.I.L.M.5. The I.I.L.M. shall be governed by the Godfather and MasterMind, til death takes them.6. Thou shalt not speak ill of the Dodgers.7. Thou shalt not fuck the Manor's Couch.8. Thou shalt not question the reason for so many bats in
the Manor.9. Thou shalt keep thy Pimp Hand strong.10. Thou shalt not miss a I.I.L.M. Sactioned Party.11. Thou shalt not attempt to race Robert.