MiKo **R.I.P. Isaac Fanene** profile picture

MiKo **R.I.P. Isaac Fanene**

I am here for Friends and Networking

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Leave one for ya Boi one time...


Mistah F.A.B., Keak Da Sneak, Mac Dre (R.I.P), E-A-Ski, E-40, San Quin, The Team, Haji Springer, The A'z, Frontline, Too Short, Baby Face Assisins, Ya Boy and other Bay Area that be on hit. Slow Jams that set the mood a.k.a Baby Making Music, You feo me... and Island Jams (Love that Island Romancing), can't forget bout them slappers.


Once Were Warriors, The Legend of Johnny Lingo, Baby Boy, The Goonies, Rocky IV, Scarface, Casino, Goodfellas, Willow, Ninja Turtles I & II, and The Five Heartbeats..


Fear Factor, Sport Center, Sunday and Monday night football, Yo Momma, Married With Children, Comedy Central, and The Disney Channel.


"A Purpose Driven Life".. Everyone should read this Book.


The Heroes in my life are the ones that I've seen struggle through life and are on top today... Those people are: God first and foremost, his son Jesus (Our Savior), and my family.. Those are the ones I look up to. They are my heroes.. There not Athletes, Movie Stars, nor Musicians, but they are Celebrities in my eyes and Superstars. Thank you all for everything...

My Blog

In Loving Memory

ThIs iN LoViNg mEmOrY FoR aLL mY peOpLeS tHaT aRe nO LonGeR wItH uS... i MiSs eAcH aNd eVeRy oNe oF yOu mOrE tHaN aNy oNe cAn iMagInE... Grandpa Desi Romero Grandma Delores Alvarado Dharvin Ong Robert...
Posted by MiKo **R.I.P. Isaac Fanene** on Mon, 19 Dec 2005 12:23:00 PST


Robert Atkins was shot and killed at 11 a.m. this past Sunday. I just wanted to say R.I.P Robert "Ducky" Atkins. You will be missed on the Laney Squad. This Season is for yo cuz.
Posted by MiKo **R.I.P. Isaac Fanene** on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Life and Yo Pahntas Really Yo Pahtnas

Dont you hate it when niggas talk shit and mess err thing up for some peopel who had something going. Dont you hate it when that person believes all the shit talkin and dont take your word for it when...
Posted by MiKo **R.I.P. Isaac Fanene** on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST