..hey, here is a bit about me if u care to read obviously if u kept reading to this point u must care then right.... wtf...:/ well anyways here is me...
I lIKE....
the smell of wet dirt
the cold, the sound of the piano
a fresh wet garden as i look at the sky pass by, love, cuddeling,
the hug you give before you make love with your better half, dig my hand in hair gel, spend those extra 30 sec. in the warm shower, swim, sleep tired, ice cold water on a hot day, walk alone, Sleep on the beach, stay idle as i watch the rain fall in puddles, run long and fast till i get tired, the happy face on my pug when i get home, watch buubles float around and pop em, pretend imma chef when no one is looking, My Lady's Cold hands on my Pelvis, Cold Kisses, massage or scratch my back,
Reminice when i was a little kid ;(
my friends, the smell of skin, play dead face down in the water and meditate, the forest, the smell of wood, ELECTRONIC MUSIC, eat, Pay attention to little details in evrything before anyone else notices like in a tree bark or a picture etc.
take deep breaths while in a hamock, Look at people go about their bussiness, a fresh cold bed to lay on, the color green and lime green, lemonades,
the hugs and advice from my mom and my dad when he was here with us. r.i.p Gregorio Guzman I will Always Love you
Fresh and Rainy Days, i like connecting things together, Digital Cameras, Be Competetive and WIN!!, to be diffrent, contagiouse laughs, stretch really hard as i wake up, plan things before i do em', Dreaam That i Can Fly, Burn and discover new music! and much much more!!!
i like to listen to all sorts of music from hip-hop to corridos and 80's flashback music which i think is the best party music :P
and there more to me but if u wanna know some more stuff just message me or add me or something.if u have msn add me [email protected]