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The Third Way

What is the Third Way?

About Me

What is The Third Way?

My Interests

The main things are: politics, history (especially east asia and southeast asia), computers (building them, troubleshooting, diagnostics, setup, etc.), reading books (mainly non-fiction, memoirs, books about science, history, etc.). I also like to go fishing in the summer, this is something I used to do quite frequenly when I was younger, but I'm just now getting back into. Right now, I'm trying to learn more about cars, mainly how the internal combustion engine works. There are many other things I'm into, but just can't think of right now. I'm one of those individuals that is open to trying things that I haven't done before.

I'd like to meet:

"We have moved past the sterile debate of those who say government is the enemy and those who say government is the answer. My fellow Americans, we have found a Third Way." William Jefferson Clinton a.k.a. "Bill Clinton," 42nd President of the United States, 1998 State of the Union Address to Congress and the American People."Third Way politics responded to the exhaustion of the old formulas by promising to replace ideological enthusiasms with problem solving. Politicians who spoke of the practical concerns of families--how to balance responsibilities at home and at work, how to improve schools, how to pay for college--came to be preferred over those who moralized about family values <[i>people like Jerry Falwell , Pat Robertson , James Dobson or in other words the " Christian Right ," people who support politicians who vote their way but don't practice what they preach]. Politicians who spoke of creating jobs seemed more effective than those who offered free market bromides. Politicians who spoke of reforming government seemed more in touch than those who reflexively attacked government <[i>people who consider themselves Reagan conservatives] or defended it <[i>people of compassion who consider themselves bleeding heart "liberals"]. In a nation of blended values, politicians who preferred both/and were more appealing than those who insisted upon either/or. The Third Way was most definitely both/and politics." By E. J. Dionne ( Washington Post Columnist & Sr. Fellow at the Brookings Institution ) in the book " Stand up Fight Back ." ©opyright 2004. ** please note, side notes enclosed within brackets are my interpretations and not necessarily that of the author"The Third Way philosophy seeks to adapt enduring progressive values to the new challenges of he information age. It rests on three cornerstones: the idea that government should promote equal opportunity for all while granting special privilege for none; an ethic of mutual responsibility that equally rejects the politics of entitlement and the politics of social abandonment; and, a new approach to governing that empowers citizens to act for themselves." ( CLICK HERE ) to read more. Copyright © 1998, Progressive Policy Institute .
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nang vila

theresa & tony

nongz viriya

my buddy ck

kim (sao viet)

nongz vivian



nongz thane

sao stacy

lil bro van

nongz thock

nongz mary

miss traci

nongz peggy

mrs. alexis



mrs. belle

da bears

lao or latina?

insy & kat


patty cakes

ms. brandy


tik & yoe

sao khams

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When it comes to music I'm not that picky. I am definitely into all the contemporary styles: Rhythm and Blues (R & B), Hip-Hip, some Reggae, trance and alternative. In addition, I listen to a lot of Thai music (be it pop, country, etc.) and Lao. I'm trying to get more into country and perhaps classic.


Intolerable Cruelty (starring George Clooney & Catherine Zeta-Jones), Rush Hour 1 & 2 (starring Jackie Chan & Chris Tucker), J. R. R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings trilogy series, The Matrix movie series (The Matrix, The Matrix Reloaded & The Matrix Revolutions, starring Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fisburne and Carrie Anne Moss).


I like to watch the following channels: C-SPAN , The History Channel , The Discovery Channel , ESPN , CNN , MSNBC , sometimes BET , the Animal Planet and the Food Network .


All around the world, there are many people who can't even read at all. Yet many of us who live in the "developed" nations seem to take it for granted on a daily basis. Even after being out of school for all these years, I still try to pick up a good book here and there. Typically I'll pick one up from the local public library or even buy one (if I consider it worth adding to my collection). For me reading gives me insight and also satisfy my hunger for knowledge. The types of things I tend to read are non-fiction types. They would include: biographies, memoirs, narratives political insiders, science journals, policy journals, editorials, technical reviews and analysis (mainly of things related to computing). These are only just a few things I like to indulge in, but I wouldn't mind picking up a good poem or novel now and then as well. Reading in general is a good thing, I would say.


Describing a hero isn't that easy for me. There are so many people that I can think of that would fall under this category. So let's just say that I consider anyone with a big heart and compassion to be my hero (A part of the reason why I despise so many people who consider themselves politically conservative as most people of that creed tend to be self-centered, greedy, and narcissistic.).

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Above is a chart that I obtained from which is the online presence of the Center for American Progress (a progressive think tank headed by John Podesta, former Chief of Staff to t...
Posted by The Third Way on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 01:54:00 PST