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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Bubbly, affectionate, loyal & honest. I've finally found my vocation in life and im happy. Im a Youth Worker, working with inner city/underprivileged kids on social inclusion projects. I teach Music Production and Fashion design. I run creative arts and media projects, including Music, Fashion, Photography & Theatre workshops. Also do guest list/doors/club promotions for Retox @ Sosho on Sundays:, Renaisance @ The Cross and Fabric.
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My Interests

Workin wiv da youths, music, producing music, art, fancy dress, breakdancing, film making, tattoos, vintage, customising, graffiti, theatre, design, food, Crystal champagne. dinner parties, nice restaurants, orchids, expensive underwear, silliness, dancin, laughin, entertaining, acting, clubs, friends, family, my car, monkeys, sunsets, beaches, Thailand, budhas, pug dogs, my bedroom, feather pillows, skin heads, London, jewellery, shoes, sleeping, my job, my life.

I'd like to meet:

Roughens, wrongens and the rest


Electro house, minimal, tech, Claude Vonstroke, Bookashade, Mathew Johnson, Daren & Spencer, Teifschwarz, Peace Division, Phonica & Get Physical kids. D&B, hip hop, Pink Floyd, Blondie, Dolly Parton, Police, The Verve, some 70's & 80's & some other bits and bobs.


Apocalypto, Blood Diamond, Donnie Darko, Midnight Express, Leon, Lockstock, Scarface, True Romance, Derek&Clive-Got The Horn. Mike Lee stuff. Style wars, Warriors. Spirited Away.


Dispatches. real life documentrys


Memoires of a Geisha, Dominatrix Mistress Chloe. Bangkok Hilton. A child called It. Biograpies mostly.


My Nan rest her soul, My Dad when he's in a good mood. My clever mum, My beautiful sister. My special friend Rhys

My Blog


Desiderada..."Go placidly amid the noise and the haste,and remember what peace there may be in silence.As far as possible, without surrender,be on good terms with all persons.Speak your truth quietly ...
Posted by Cassie on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 12:42:00 PST