High living, low art.
Stalin, Jane Torvill and Bryan Ferry. GO BRYAN!!.
Nothing but the very best. Pre-2006 Daps; early Drunken Gents. 'They've Got Fleas' are awfully good too - sounds like Ladytron pissed up in an alleyway at 4 in the morning.
The Battleship Potemkin, and Dude Where's My Car?
Juliet Bravo.
Ulianov, V. I. (Lenin, N.) (1919): 'The Proletarian Revolution and Kautsky the Renegade';Fielding, H. (1996): 'Bridget Jones's Diary'
Norman Tebbitt and Cecil Parkinson. In fact, all of the Thatcher cabinet of the late 1980s. Wat Tyler.