LHCS was formed back in 2003 when a group of young Chicanos/as, fueled by the frustration of their people being overlooked until it was time to blame something on them, decided to take their destiny and their struggle into their own hands. In the spirit of the Brown Berets de Aztlan (not Sanchez' boys), The Crusade for Justice, the American Indian Movement, the Black Panther Party, and many other organizations, LHCS was created for the sole purpose of advancing and supporting grassroots struggle globally. What once was a group of high school kids smoking pot and going by Los Hemptations Con Safos is now a sophisticated group of educated BROWN men and women who now call themselves Level Headed Chicano Soldiers. What "the H" is trying to do is what several organizations from El Movimiento were/are doing: Achieve economic and political liberation from a gringo imposed system. To inform our people about the history of our people. the history of our land and the atrocities committed on our people at the hands of the invader, the wasichu. To wake up the chavalitos in the barrios and show them what a real Ch.O.L.O. is: CHicano Overcoming Large Obstacles. To help create a culturally aware gente. A gente conscious of their contributions and indigenous ideology. A gente free of colonial ensalvement and aware of the war secretly being waged against us. Education. Self-Defense. Unity. Revolution. Change. Peace. LHCS is not only about the education of the gente, but also defending them. We refuse to stand by and be brutalized or allow any of our comrades to be brutalized. We refuse to be victims. We refuse to let those who choose the other cheek to be victimized. Stand the fuck up!!!!! LOYALTY! HONOR! CHICANISMO! SOLIDARITY! LHCS! Anyone who can see themselves getting with what we're about. Fee free to leave a message and get in contact. We are always looking for dedicated brothers and sister s(BRONW OR BLACK). Or if you already belong to another organization (MECha, Brown Berets, Estudiantes Unidos or etc.) and you wanna just get the network of solidarity going, leave a message also. We are always interested in participating in solidarity with other soldiers on the frontline. Mexica Tiahui! Chicano Power! Black and Brown Power! Our enemy's enemy is a comrade.