One of the things that I like to do that's a little out of the norm is swing dancing. I live in a pretty small city so there isn't usually much opportunity to do it, but when I get the chance I'll go all out. I've been swing dancing for a couple of years and throughout that time I've continued to remember and forget dance moves that I know. Swing is like a language, if you don't use it all the time you tend to forget. Even if I'm not dancing I still enjoy listening to some swing in the car on the way to work or school, but swing isn't the only kind of dancing I enjoy doing. It's always fun go out to some random club with my friends and sweat it out on the floor to some George Clinton or Busta.To play Tetris, click on the red x above
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I don't watch as much TV as I used to. When I do watch TV it's usually something pretty random. There's no particular show that I set time aside to watch. Most of the time I catch things on TV by chance. Even though I don't set a specific time out to watch TV, there's still shows I hope to catch. Although there hasn't been anything interesting on lately. It's probably better that way with semester going on.
During semester I'm usually confined to reading text books. The Summer is when I read what ever I feel like. My taste in books is a pretty broad spectrum of categories. It ranges from junk food to philosophy. When ever I'm reading fiction, it's usually the horror classics like Dracua. If it's philosophy I enjoy the dialogs of Socrates.Today is the last day of finals for me, so it looks like my summer has finally come. I've got a stack of books waiting for me that I'll at last be able to get to. There's a significant difference between reading something that's assigned to you, than something you pick for yourself. Plus, you get to read at your own pace, of course. It should be a pretty enjoyable experience.
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