Body Piercings, getting tattooed, General Body Art including branding and scaring, SnowBoarding,welding and creating things, ghosts and that paranormal shit, Theatre, Fast Cars, Spooning, GoPeding, raceing, driving Boats, Jet skies, hikeing around looking for things I havent sceen it is beautiful in the mountains, listeding to my friends bands play and partying afterwords, longneck, scuba diving cause there is some sweet shit down there, thinking about the zombies and REVALOOOCION!!!
Jesus and Satan, come on guys we can work it out...right?
Anti Flag, AFI, Every time I Die, Strung Out, Postal Service, The Killers, Against me, Cold Remember, Dr.Dre, Blindside, Rise Against, Come Back Kid, Gwar, Tech Nine, Rancid, Death By Sterio, Bob and Damien Marley, Sublime, Bad Religion, The bled fucking rocks, The Misfits, Snoop Dogg, Blindside, Alcaline Trio, that jew that sings reggea is amasing(such a good message), bury your fucking dead, the Refused, the smooth sounds os atmaphear,
Cruel Intentions, The Order, American History X, Fight Club, Bram Stokers Dracula, The Italian Job, Gangs of New York, Romeo and Juliet the newest one with guns, all the Harry Potter and Lord of the ring Movies, pulp fiction, Oceans 11 and 12, Old School, Interview with a vampire, Super Troopers, A Night's Tail, A Nightmare before Christmas, Boondock Saints, Beerfest, Dawn of the Dead, Shawn of the Dead, Grandmas Boy, Harold And Comar, Hagard, Sleepy Hollow, Club Dred, 28 Days Later, Seven, Team America "fuck ya" Con Air, all the Alien and Prediter movies but Alien Vs. Pediter was Lame,and Pirates of the... place I cant spell.
Futurama, Famly Guy, Aqua teen Hunger Force, CSI( but I dont like CSI miami that guy's a tool), Venture Bros., Jack Ass, Viva La Bam and wild boys. I also watch the history chanel and discover alot. The dailyshow and Cobert are my news minus FOX "Fair and Ballanced"
I have read 3 books in my life by choice, the perks of being a wallflower, Genisis, and a book I think ever one should read The Emperor wears no cloths by jack Herer, go get it right now.
I have no heros, no one inspiered me to be the way I am, no one set an example or led me down the right path I had to do that by my self I could tell you some people that I like in different areas for different things but they are not my heros. I am me and dont want to be any one else I am my inspiration. I get up in the morning and eat what I want and do what I think is nessicary for my dream, not because that is how some one else did it but because it is how I do it, I do not follow and I never will.