Anime, Art, Manga, Books, Chess, Video games (Every system but Xbox), Pets, Music, Illustration, Computers, Most Technology, Leopard Print stuff..Heh.
Someday? I'd like to meet Jim Carrey. Don't ask me why, I always thought he'd be really fun to chat with.
I mostly enjoy heavy rock, or specifically death rock. However I am incredibly fond of most electronica and surrealistic music. Ambient and Trance are great, as well as industrial rock. Pretty much the only music I don't enjoy is Rap or Country.
One of my favorite alltime movies has to be Milo and Otis. It's just too damn adorable, and pretty humorous if you enjoy poor little animals being thrown over waterfalls and tortured in various ways along some silly disney-esque adventure.I'm also muchly influenced by Anime, and watch it from time to time. My favorite and first one was one called Robot Carnival. The Japanese answer to Fantasia.
Favorite shows include:
Family Guy
Dharma and Greg
Forensic Files
Animal Police
I'm a huge Dragonlance fan, but my favorite book of all time would have to be Relic. I also frequently used to read books from the Serpentwar Saga.
My heroes mostly include regular every day people. I don't get inspired by movie-actors, or tv people...I am inspired by regular everyday people who live their lives as happily as they can, and take things day by day.