My name is Kristy Arnett. I am 23-year-old woman that is ready to dive into life head first. I grew up in the Midwest, but the west coast has always called my name. After four seasons of playing Division I soccer for the Lady Mastodons at Indiana Purdue of Fort Wayne, I moved to Las Vegas to finish school at UNLV. I am nearly finished with a degree in Communications and a minor in Journalism, although sometimes I feel like I’ve studied poker more than anything else! Despite frequently pulling all-nighters at the poker table, studying strategy articles during class instead of paying attention, and more times than not, choosing to read a David Sklansky book rather than Maya Angelou, I have taken advantage of my schooling and developed a love for writing.
In January, I landed an internship at Card Player Magazine. I was getting paid to write about something I love… how perfect? It became even better during the summer of '07 when I was added to the multimedia team to cover the World Series of Poker and the Bellagio Cup III for Card Player TV. As shown in the Bellagio Cup videos, I am a pretty outgoing gal that loves to joke around… even though my jokes aren’t always funny...
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I got to interview Michael Phelps!