[GREG]divine profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Greg --

A person who falls into an outhouse and dies

Tostitos are addicting

i hate breaking a Tostito when trying to dip it in cheese dip

egos will make you the ugliest person even when you are the most "beautiful"

give me a shot, you wont regret it

and if you even look this far...send me a message, we'll talk :]

My Interests

i dislike LOTS of things...and i like LOTS of things...but it wouldnt hurt for you to get to know me:]

cuz reading this, doesnt mean you know me :>

I'd like to meet:

The closest thing to me at heart, is the furthest thing away to touch.


the sound of life.


whatever can keep me in one spot :]


any book that gets me past chapter 2.


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My Blog


Hey guys, so right now im talking to shine drums for an endorsement(yayay).But unfortunately it costs me $2200 to buy a kit to complete the endorsement. Even though i am currently working 2 jobs, it i...
Posted by [GREG]divine on Thu, 18 Oct 2007 10:59:00 PST


So as some of you probably know i had $500 worth of equipment stolen from me at the end of may. This has been a tough time for me and money is definitely short at hand. If you would like to help and d...
Posted by [GREG]divine on Thu, 31 May 2007 02:54:00 PST