Get Some
I'm 24. I have a 1.5 yr old son and wife of 2 years. I've lived most of my life in CA besides while in the Marine Corps and moved to WA last year. I work for the Odom Corporation. My hobbies include vale tudo, building rifles(ARs and AKs), and shooting them! I'm obsessed with flying and toying with the idea of joining the reserves as a rotary winged aviator. Plus, I miss the uniform.
"Whatever else he may do with his life; build a house, love a woman, change his son's diaper - he will always be a jarhead. And all the jarheads killing and dying, they will always be me. We are still in the desert."
"Get some!" - Marines
[+] Common sense, Mustard, Golf, USA, Fishing, Guns, 80s music, Freedom, Fast cars, Movies, Mixed Martial Arts, 5.56, Republicans, Brevity, Deschutes, Bluetooth, Courage, Micro-fiber, Tanqueray, Modifying things, Alcohol, Soda in glass bottles, Merriment, Old friends, Tactical precision guided nuclear weapons, Fire places, Cherry stems, Methanol, IV+, Water and sun, DNR land
<[b>-] Smoking, Full House, Gym groupies, Slow drivers, Onions, Islam, Michael Jackson, Mall sushi, Lawyers, Ford, Corruption, Designer sunglasses, Emo, Ebay, Pot holes, California laws, Liberals, Credit cards, Mullets, UAE, Myspace self-portraits, Cell phone cameras, Apathy, MK&A, Paris Hilton wannabes, Pacifists, Alcohol poisoning, Paypal, USPS, Street bike groupies, Friendly fire, Road construction
My little boy at Christmas '05