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Anne So


About Me

MyGen Smashing Porcelina

My Interests


Rock'n'Roll, Garage, Rythm and blues, Ragtime, Swing, Jazz, Punk, Surf music, rock des 60s et 70s, Hard rock, Soul, musique classique...


Les Jim Jarmusch, Burton, Cohen, Chaplin, les premiers Tarantino... Dogville, Manderlay, Breaking the waves, C est arrive pres de chez vous, Memento, Mulholland drive, The hours, Les idiots, Chanson du deuxieme etage, Magnolia, Full frontal, Casino, Requiem for a dream, Twelve monkeys, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Dig, Cry Baby, Lost in translation, Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, Punch-drunk love, Persepolis, The blues brothers, 21 gramms, Aquatic life, Brazil, la jetee, Happy tree friends, Some like it hot, Arizona dream, American beauty, Gone with the wind, The Wall, Basquiat, In the mood for love, Clockwork Orange...



J'ai tué Phil Shapiro, John Kennedy Toole, Bret Easton Ellis, William Burrough, Maupassant, Aldous Huxley, Chuck Palahniuk, Orson Wells, Philipp K Dick, Barjavel, Hunter S Thompson, Jack Kerouac, Alice in wonderland, The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy and Other Stories, bouquins de design, graphisme, d'art...