Darktay profile picture


Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that i

About Me

i am a rightous dude. who likes the best of both worlds cock and pussy!

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Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Flowers/machines

My Interests

Ummmm... I guess talking alot of shit about alot of people and Head Punching.. width="425" height="350" ..
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I'd like to meet:

Id like to meet cool people... or the people that think they are cool but really are not. Or the people that have their moms tell them they are cool cuz she feels sorry for them so if you fall under any of these then I will be happy to be on your list


ummmm... Duran Duran, Murderdolls, Linkin Park, Christina A. (her dirrty years) Britney Spears (her Hoe-ish years) Betty Blowtorch, Mariln Manson, Aerosmith, Janet Jackson, George Michael, Charlie Daniels, Spice Girls (Need a little spice in your life lol) Kylie and Danii Minogue, Lost Prophets, Smashing Pumpkins, SC7, Enya, Vanessa Mae, Avril, Michael Jackson (when he was kind of tan... BURN), Queen, Nada Surf, Jessica Simpson, Garth Brooks, ATC, No Doubt, Ace of Bace, Daft Punk, Blaque, Play, TLC, Won-G, Trans-Siberian Orchestra, Fiona Apple, Sum 41, Nirvana, Weird al, Jojo, Goo Goo Dolls, 3lw, Shania Twain, Lil Jon, Ying yang twins (YEEEEAH... WHHHHAT...) Republica, Journey, B-52, Eve, 5678's, Madonna, Tony Braxton, Jade Anderson, Aaliyah, Maroon 5, Black eyed peas, AFI, Bon Jovi (WOOOOOOT) Kelise, Papa Roach, Hoobastank, Letters to Cleo, Sade, Kool and the Gang, Kystal, Al Green, President of the United States of America, Jimmy Eat World, Jump 5, 311, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Boy George, Leanne Wolmack, BB King, The Temptations, Old Bobby Brown, Bel Biv Deboe, Savage Garden, School House Rocks, Alicia Keys, Frank and Nancy Sinatra, Zamfir, Frans Ferdinand, Bernard, Herrman, Santa Esmeralda, The Lucy Nation, Tori Amos, Mase, New Edition, Kriss Kross, Counting Crows, Evenesenece, Rooney, Alice Deejay, Paula Abdoul, Tiffany, Hex Girls, Missing Ace, The Penfifteen Club, Lina, Utada Hikaru, Smilez and Southstar, Stacey Orrico, Cherry Poppin Daddies


All Teen Horror Movies (Scream Jason, Texas Chainsaw, Freddy ect.) Disney, KILL BILL Vol 1&2, Crouching Tiger, Hero, Now and Then, Ace Ventura, Scary Movie 1 2 & 3, Jurassic Parks, Gremlins 2, Party Monster, 3some, The Sex Monster, Bill and Ted, Tremors, Harvey Girls, The Wiz, All Muppet Movies, Fight Club, Seven, Breakfast Club, Goonies,... Basically all the great 80's Movies


Whatever is good on TV im probably watching it*NOTE* The Fuse has a Show called Uranium and there is a Girl on there name Juliya and she need to be beat with a stick cuz she is a and i quote my friend Jordan "A Dumbass hoe that knows nothing about being harcore and needs to be shot and punched in the head ..M/ WOOOOOOOORRRRRRR"


Books what the hell are those?? I only read when i have to so get off my F**king back!! But I think my lack or reading is why i dont care about anything now. If you ever catch me reading anything it might be at Lenore, JTHM, Stuff, Maxium or the TV Guide ... I dont care im not ashamed


Props goes out to my numba one! Uncle Ben, if you werent there i wouldnt have gotten through all of those long nite with out my rizzle! Holla atacha Boi. I also must say that my momma is the best in the world because I said she is Damit. I love my pops cuz he loves to try to "punk" me and then do the Charro dance. And Jordan cuz i have to have a Cunt for a hero and why not her... she is the biggest one

My Blog

Miss Teen South Carolina

I was talking to the cashier lady at wal-mart and we were talking about Miss South Carolina and how she didnt do to well on her question. Well the lady behind me heard our convo and wanted to jump in ...
Posted by Darktay on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 02:14:00 PST

I can’t seem to get it done

I have to pack to go out of town with my parents but i keep getting side tracked by something else. And it takes me a long time to pack. I told my mom this morning i was gonna be done packing by noon ...
Posted by Darktay on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 08:44:00 PST

There is just so much ass whoopin a person can take

Posted by Darktay on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 12:18:00 PST

My Night in Boston

Saturday evening my roomie Tom our friend Greg and I drove to Boston MA to go celebrate Toms cousins Beccas 25th birthday. So on the way there there was some in car singing to Bon Jovi, Journey, ...
Posted by Darktay on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 01:38:00 PST


I just had the best ice cream cone in the world. It was the best 20 min of my day so far. Wow! id like the see Dairy Queen beat the one i just made. Even though mine was just with vanilla it was ...
Posted by Darktay on Wed, 25 Jul 2007 01:25:00 PST

Why cant Celebs Do right.... DAMN

You know some people know how much i love the Lohan girl. But now i am re-thinking this. Its like how dumb can a person be to do something all over again. I thought the ankle thing was suppose to help...
Posted by Darktay on Wed, 25 Jul 2007 08:05:00 PST

The CT Ballers

4 guys i know in CT who are like brothers to me are going to be known as the CT BALLERS there is Hulk, Chase, Merg and Tim. Fuck with them and I kill you... Have a great day
Posted by Darktay on Wed, 25 Jul 2007 08:44:00 PST

Beer Pong

This game is Hell!!! only for the fact i threw up everything i ate before the game... and i didnt play with beer i played with vodka  
Posted by Darktay on Sun, 22 Jul 2007 10:36:00 PST

No more Houston Texas

Well its done. I am no longer a resident of Houston Texas anymore I have moved out of state and will only come here to visit. Didnt tell anyone did it without warning. sorry
Posted by Darktay on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 11:56:00 PST

Pride Party

So i missed the Pride Parade so no free condoms . Well that was ok because i when to this party that these Hot Lesbians and a Dancing Queen were throwing. Let me tell you there was this kid that Sucke...
Posted by Darktay on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 07:59:00 PST