Just about anything. Even if there is some chance of bodily injury. Skydive and downhill ski one of these days.
I fly with the Sandhill Soaring club out of Gregory Michigan. I also volunteer with Horses Haven in Howell
Someday I'm gonna get my truck this muddy..:oP
OK, since all the girls have it..I'll post if for the guys....
69 charger burn out
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Too many to name, but at the moment the truck is sporting Punisher Soundtrack, Nickleback, Hot Hot Heat, AC/DC, Gary Allan, P.O.D., KT Tunstall. Good stuff!
Princess Bride (Bought before I had a DVD player!), Robin Hood Men in Tights, Three Musketeers (Sheen, Platt, Odonnell version), X-Men, Serendipity(I know....I like some chic flicks too :oP), 13th Floor, Dark City, Mating Habits of the Earth Bound Human....
Crossing Jordan(sucker for brunettes), CSI: Miami, Grey's Anat, House, Scrubs
Harry Potter books, Frankenstein book from Koontz! I know...ecletic! Salmon of Doubt by Douglas Adams, Sudoku