Kayaking,Sleeping,Jitsu,Drinking, in that order.
The bloke from the Cillit bang advert, so I can hit him in the mouth. In a friendly way.
Snow Patrol's latest album is awesome. Nuff said!
Zombies films please! The Alien series, gotta love a bit of Kevin Smith's work; can anyone say Dogma? Also saw Eternal Sunshine recenty which is great and Amelie, no points for guessing that one.
L O S T, Simpsons, Southpark.
Small ones! The Stand is a good book, Steven King and The Passion of New Eve by Angela Carter is also pretty cool. Not too fussed really just as long as no-one comes near me with a copy of Harry Potter. Look I'm a literature student and if possible I like to tay away from reading as much as I possibly can.
Whoever invented instant noodles. Genius! Also the geezer from the 'How to wear a buff' DVD. He's a fucking leg-end!