xxxxxxxxxxskungexxxxxxxxxxx profile picture


About Me

Skunge is a group of completely ingnorant and non talented musicians that do not deserve to even play music or touch any sort of musical instrument. With that out of the way, they are completely amazing at what they attempt to do. Skunge is: pre ubercore post hardcore grungecore sluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutface post new wave past the post punk post past pre post hardcore emo pre post past grunge skunge tea fusion jerkfacesonfire corporate punk hard skungecore. we enjoy knocking things over and rolling around. thank you and goodnight. love, skizzzzzzunge

today we got another noise bylaw notice ticket thing that says WE MIGHT HAVE TO PAY 100 DOLLARS. i feel blessed. fuck you next door neighbours.

My Interests


Member Since: 02/12/2004
Band Website:
Band Members: Matt Face- VIRTUOSO!!! rum and coke/ Jumping off things/breaking things/guitar/sloppiness/rolling around/knocking stuff over/wails/uncle f*cker
Other Matt- Guitar/fireball and wine/horribly aweful vocals/smashing things/jumping into things/breaking things/rolling around/knocking stuff over/donkey raping sh*t eater
Kutthroat Kurtis- Bass/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxstraightEDGExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/S ynth/Vocals/tight pants/ringer pedal/noise/scenesterism/costume/bowler cap/suit/tie
Kels-ho- Drums/vodka heh heh heh/cowbell/death metal screaming/lead vocals/set design/props/choreography

Johnny fuck face -matt barry- "WHAT THE FUCK JOHNNY'S NOT IN THE BAND!"
Influences: South Park, Big D and the Kids Table, Nirvana, Converge, ska, punk, reggae, rock, metal, hardcore, obnoxious music, noise. We all listen to such different music. It'd take me forever to list EVERY single band we listen to...but we do listen to a lot of what i just listed.
Sounds Like: "unpresedented noise noise" - Blair Fucking Gorrell
"skunge makes my ears bleed and to want to slit my wrists because i don't feel worthy when they break their guitars or totally trash their drum kit." Matt fucking Bowen
"they make the dilligner escape plan sound like a bunch of fags" Matt Bowen
" guys are good...." Andrew Barry
Record Label: we're too punk rock for a label.
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

what a bunch of assholes

We're in the process of recording our i think full length cd right now. It's gonna be killer. We're still working on the "No it's not like horse" split/ep with our friends Duracell. You can ...
Posted by on Sat, 25 Feb 2006 18:36:00 GMT

holy shit!!!!

So the October 1st show went awesome. All the bands were radass, and a super huge thanks to JTHM for letting us play 3rd. That was awesome. We hadn't played a REAL show for about a year. That show mar...
Posted by on Sat, 08 Oct 2005 00:35:00 GMT


so some guy is a total douche and now we're not playing mesa luna anymore. so whoever that person is that bought out that show....they can go fuck themselves. also, some total douche fucked over kurti...
Posted by on Sun, 24 Apr 2005 03:22:00 GMT

ghetto recordings

so as you can see, we threw up some super ghetto recordings. pirates vs ninjas was done at matts house about the same time ROS made the most horrible demo ev0r. (using 0's make us more scene.) we were...
Posted by on Tue, 12 Apr 2005 00:56:00 GMT