Visiting new places! Going to gigs! Love Hugs! and generally having FUN!!!New Year 2006/7
Out of everyone it would probably have to be Greenday!
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Got lots of random musical interests @ the mo. but at this point in time i'm loving all of my mates bands! AmberVoid, Fear of Fridays, Blah blah blah, The magic, The Forgetfuls and Dancing with Henry!
Mall Rats, Chasing Amy, and Empire Records have gotta be in my top 10 favourite films ! I am Sam is another fantastic film x New addition gotta be Sin City!
Not a big tele freak @ the Moment!!!!!!!!!!!! but give me the turtles any day or lost x
Currently reading one of the best books @ the mo. Neverwhere! If u haven't checked it u should!
UMMMMMMMMM, Can't think of one so i'll probably have to say me mates who are all leg-ends!