Soccer, reading, parties, drinking, CAMP and last but definitely not least, American Ladies - best damn ladies in the world!
SNOW PATROOOOOOOL!!!! the killers, mcfly, the wolfetones, Dashboard, Damien Rice, 2Pac, Eminem, Rinhanna, Bon Jovi, Meatloaf, Tracy Chapman, Dr Hook, hmmmmmmmmm very random aint it???
Comedy: BORAT, There's something about Mary, Jim Carey Films Smootchie: Meet Joe Black Thrillers: Braveheart, Lord of the rings, Horror: Saw1,2,3, Nightmare On Elm Street's Fun: Goonies Classic: Star Wars, Godfather
"24" or that other american craze which is "Lost", actually prefer reading than watching most of the crap on T.V these day's .........
Definitely of the fiction gender, we get too much of real life as it is! As i've said earlier the Fantasy kind is a preference however detective/thriller novels like the "Harry Bosch" books by Michael Connelly, or the "Charlie Parker" books by John Connolly are great for evil villains and suspense.In case you haven't noticed I take my readin very F***ing serious!Then the Fantasy, Stephen Donaldson's "Thomas Covenant" series makes Tolkien look like a novice; David Gemmell (recently Deceased) is a close second: Third comes Raymond E. Feist and his Midkemia books, then we have "MR Potterrr"I'm gonna stop there or i'll really start to sound like a bookworm!
Steven Gerrard, Robbie Fowler, and all the LFC greats (P.S for you americans they are all soccer legends, for everyone else they are Liverpool Footballers ....)