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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

My biggest passion is politics and activism. I am greatly disturbed by what is happening in this country (and abroad): Voting rights being taken away from people by various and sundry means. "Free speech zones". People being arrested for just airing opinions that are not acceptable to the current Administration. People being held without charges filed against them, just because the President says they should be arrested. Rising costs and stagnant wages. More and more people without health insurance. The loosening of environmental controls. Corporations being labeled "people" with more rights than the citizens of this country. The killing off of the middle and working classes. The killing (literally) of innocent people in Iraq. The very frightening possibility of another pre-emptive war -- this time with Iran. I could go on and on. I cannot sit by and say or do nothing. Whether it is attending a protest, signing a petition or letter on-line, or talking to people one-on-one about what is going on, and presenting them with facts, I feel I must take action. I love this country too much to just stand by and watch her, and her citizens, be destroyed by men who do not care about anything but those things that can enhance their station in life, and the rest of us be damned.

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