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Hello, My name is D'Alisa Lyell (DUH-LYSSA LIE-EL) and I am a female illusionist aka drag queen. I live my life as a man and will continue to do so for the rest of my life, but love the art and fantasy involved with the entertainment! I have been an illusionist for nearly a decade now and a performer of sorts since the age of 6.I have performed at many venues, drag nights, pageants, benefits, and fundraisers! I have also volunteered my time and talent for Aids Awareness, Equality, and overall education for safe sex!I have met and performed with MANY other entertainers like myself over the years and continue to learn "new tricks of the trade", even teaching others a thing or two myself. The important thing to keep in mind is that NO drag queen is the same and we all have our own unique style! Some people wont like your style or talent but at the same time you have your friends and devoted fans as well. The MAJOR thing is to stay TRUE to yourself and treat others with R-E-S-P-E-C-T as well as learning how to take constructive critisizm and using it to benefit your overall performance and you'll go far!. I believe there is no such thing as failure, only second guessers!