It was a rough start. We started out just kids not knowing how to play instruments. Then I (Shaun) after 8th grade met a new friend that summer who played guitar a little. Let me tell you, it was obsession after that, I wanted to play, wanted to get better, and stuck to it. Jason always had an ambission to be a drummer, drumming on his knees, counter tops, anything really. He finally got a drumset for christmas in 2003 or maybe 2002? i can't really remember, but anycrappin'way he got the drumset. We did go through a lot of "band members" if thats what you want to call them, we never really had a band untill about a year later, we just messed around with our instruments and explored our music. Of course we sucked, everyone does when they first start, we played Nirvana songs, lake of fire, teen spirit . . . . .yeah you know them. well, needless to say, we moved away from that, and started writing our own stuff, and realized, hey, we're pretty good at this. about a year later we finally found a solid bassist, Jerry, and it's been a rockin' time ever since. We practice like maniacs, and have fun with it all the time, though we get pissed if we mess up a lot on one thing, but we just laugh at it later. Thats how we roll. From what i've heard from other people, they like us a lot, which is good. We made our first album, and i'll tell you what, there's a hell of a lot more to come. . . .-----------------------------------------------------------
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Like our old songs? Which is your Favorite?
Time To Get Up
Hold Your Fire
Focus and See
Level With the devil
Stay By Your Side
Rock and Roll Shall Never Die
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