Driving, Drifting, Spining, Making Noise, Taping, Fliping you off, Speeding, Jumping, Splashing, Sitting, Playing Guitar, Riding Bikes, Singing, Listening, Drawing, painting, Shading, Sketching, Demon Rally, Loosening, Tightening, Eating, Riding, Wakeboarding, Falling, Memory, Fliping, Adidas, Pumas, Rolling, Skiping, Breakfast, Lunch, McDonalds, Wendys, Taco Del Mar, Family, Dinner, Rice, Steak, packing, Pretending to fly, Watching, Claping, chicken, Speakers, Bass, Stereos, Carpet, Bed, Pillows, T.V., Shoes, Rickshaw, Having more bass then you, Soup, Windows, cars, Boats, Explosions, Fire, Cats, Ferrets, Swiming, Cleaning, TBAD, Models, Washing, Cola, Tools, Welding, Ultra-White lights, Blue Lights, Stars, Moon, The big Dipper, Ice, Cutting you off, Leaving early, Leaving Late, Rolling up sleeping Bags, zoo's, trucks, lifts, failing, chili, french fries, hash browns, Potatoes, Phone calls, Microwaves, opening letters, microphones, speakers, brakes, paper, math, cats, imports, ricers, cable, movies, music, toielts, taking pictures, superstreet, cases, Eurotuner, PVW, cards, money, keys, keyboards, microsoft, red lights, V-TEC, green lights, exhaust, cold air, hot air, pressure, boost, squeels, blind corners, rain, wet, water, front flips, my back, sheets, speaker wire, silver, platinum, gold, paint, good grades, flashing green lights, planers, ink, stuft animals, playing pirates, spelling, twin turbos, fast cars, going deft, $100 Doller billers, Jumbo Burritos, Milk, The color Blue, Pants, Nitrous, Racing Sliks, Barrett Jackson, Nascar, U.T.I., Gangsters, SUR X13, Skiping Math Class, SoBe, Pepsi, Urban Off Roading, Pulling the Rickshaw, Trying to kill Klitz, 150mph from Seattle, Exploding clutch's, "systems", Cameras, I-Path, Red And Black, Purple and Green, Aztecs, 6 Spokes, Pottery, Throwing Toilets and T.V.s, Gas Scooters, Wheelies, Motorcycles, Crenshaw, Excursions, Foot Racing, Walls, Tire Shine, SI's, Drying, Arizona, Speed Limits, Limits, Bounderies, Driving on Ice, Solvent, Oil, Green and Black, DJ's, The Union, Bose, Sony, HKS, Turbo timers, 5 Spokes, Radars, Valentine One, Stationary, Printers, CD Cases, Foam, Fom, Civic's, Meat, Meeting new People, NEUSPEED, sparcco, Alpine, Infinity, Autocrosse, Off Roading, High End, Low End, Auto Start, Idaho, Belts, Matix, Autotech, Eyes, Skin, Grills, Fiber Glass, Balsa Wood, 5%, MDF, Pissing People off, Mullets, Wood Floors, Vaulted Ceilings, Stone work, Ice Sculpting, Hot Rods, Glass, Bling - Bling, Street Racing, S.I.R., Volkswagon, Audi, Convertables, Hard Tops, Suspenison, Timbers, and Friends
I've already met her.. and she is amazing.
In the car. In the Laptop.
Snatch, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrles.
Before Bed.
Big Puj. Rob Eiffert