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anything goes for me.. i'll try anything but i have my bounderies, only idiots go beyond the border... i get bored easily so i hop from one past time to another.. im fiercely loyal to my beliefs, principles, and to the people i am close with... i love to laugh, laughing must be one of the best things in life... who the heck doesn't want a good laugh? i love drifting away to dreamworld, call me naive i don't care... i somehow find comfort in them... nightmares do not count, lolz... i'm more of a night person, usually getting just a few hours of sleep and wide awake at the crack of dawn and dead to the world in the morning.. that's my routine whenever school's out.. maybe that's the reason why i hadn't grown tall.. oh well, old habits do die hard.. i adore piaya.. so succulent and tasty--- hahaha! wat else? im as determined as can be, once i'm aimin for something there's no way of stopping me.. im really nice but i could get nasty... =)
life is short and so am i..though i've wished on every star to make me taller..there's not much anybody can do about it because i've finished growing up, physically..and right now i'm in the growing up/growing mature stage which i know a lot of u have already come to master..i've been left behind, ignored, laughed at, teased, thought ill of, lost faith on, given up on, and all the other growing pains anybody would have underwent while she's finding herself..so far i've been battling fairly in life...i haven't done anything illegal and i certainly haven't got much to tell cause my life is pretty much just a grand story of a girl who fought her way up from being a scared & timid girl to to being the woman she's become now..i've gotten a lot of shocking glances here and there and i've gotten a lot of whispers behind my back talking about what i have done to my life, how i changed and managed to turn everything around..i guess that tells you one thing..i'm pretty damned determined..i don't always get what i want but if i want something bad enough i'll move heaven and earth to make it happen..i could be weird and scary because i'm different from you..you might not understand me and i'm not asking you to...all i ever really want from all the persons i encounter in life is just to show some respect and to just accept me despite all the differences and all the indignations i may manifest..i may get a little insecure at times but i always put myself together and never lose out on petty things as memories..you may just see a girl who isn't much to look at (not to mention i'm just someone i can just look down on, considering my height) but what you see is not usually what you get..i may be a bit transparent but you only see the tip of the ice berg..the real deal lies within and you'd have to stick around long enough to appreciate what you're getting.. i've made kajillions of mistakes and i'm continually still making mistakes as time goes on but life has taught me well not to show the world a hint of who you really are..chances are people would abuse you and use you..sometimes i'm not the kind of person you think am..i even have trouble understanding myself that i usually hide behind words that would lead you to think otherwise..because each minute my perception on my personality changes as my life experiences accumulate.....now that's giving u a peak at my dreary confusing life..hope u won't get intimidated and won't see me anything lesser than a girl you wouldn't think twice striking a conversation with.. =)

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

anyone... you, god, the devil, the thousands of celebrities, my batchmates whom i don't really know, the crazy-insane[just like me], the foolish[i'd like to do an interview on them], famous oustanding people who've made their marks, my soulmate[haha! if i have one], a creature of the supernatural, aliens, my gaurdian angel, an old person, superheroes[i doubt they exist], rich tycoons, a real genius, a person with a good heart[awww!], pure evil[just how evil could one get?], and the likes... ü

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