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I am here for Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm Nick, You have probably formed some blown out of proportion opinon of me, and to be honest, I don't seem to care. I'm a plain t-shirt and jeans kind of kid. I enjoy the finer, yet simplistic things in life. I have big plans for my future. Can you so much as say the same for yourself? Single, and not so much interested. I'll be 21 on 7/10. Photographer. Booking Agent. I'M NOT EDGE. But I am drug free. I am the owner of Reckless Photography & Design. Xbox Live- Reckless Nick (L in reckless is capitol i) Comment Blog

My Blog

Band Booking/Promotional Prices

Tour Booking -Starting at: 10% [per city booked/handled]Myspace Promotional Packages -Starting at $50500 friends added to myspaceone flier/banner for webpageflier to be promoted 3 times a day for a we...
Posted by on Thu, 29 Jan 2009 18:35:00 GMT

He Spoke Of Victory's Summer Tour Date's Announced!

We will be on the road with our friends, Blood Of Our Enemies.Look through all of the dates, and see if we are coming to your city!We are asking everyone to help us get some of these dates booked. I...
Posted by on Sun, 11 Jan 2009 01:13:00 GMT