Hi everyone. I am currently in Korea. Yaaahhh! loving here for four months then going to Japan for two months. I'm here with a group of young people call the Young Earth Human Ambassadors for Peace. We are learning about ancient Korean culture which dates back more than 10,000 years. Amazing! There societies were based the philosophy of Hong Ik In Gan EHwa Sae Gye, which lossly translates to being a widely benefiting person for humanity and the earth who sees the heaven, earth and humans are all one in the universe. I feel so blessed to be on this spiritual journey for my soul. We are also spread this philosophy to all Koreans, especially college students and other young people and doing demonstration of Dahn Mu Do in fronts of thousandds of people. It's only been a few weeks and it's already been a whirlwind of experiences. If you want to learn more or see any video check out all updates at www.yehap.blogspot.com
For now I will leave you with this beautiful poem that touches my heart and soul and I hope yours as well.Saranghapnida (I love you)Prayer of Peace
Ilchi Lee gave a prayer at the opening ceremony of the General Assembly of the United Nations on August 28th, 2000 called the “Prayer of Peaceâ€â€œIt is an honor for me to have this opportunity to offer this prayer of peace in front of so many illustrious religious and spiritual leaders. And I am very grateful. Let us pray.I offer this prayer of peace
Not to any one god nor to many gods
Not to the Christian god
Nor to the Jewish god
Nor the Buddhist god
Nor the Islamic god
And not even to the indigenous gods of many nations
But to the divinity within that we all hold inside
That makes us all brothers and sisters
To make us truly a One Family
In the name of Humanity.I offer this prayer of peace
To the cosmic Oneness that is our birthright
And our privilege
And our strength
That should we let it shine and show us the way
Will guide us to the road of peace
Not the Christian peace
Not the Jewish peace
Not the Islamic peace
Nor the Buddhist peace
And not even the indigenous peace of many nations
But the human peace
That has a place in the hearts of all people
To allow us to truly fulfuill our divine potential
To become the children of one humanity.I offer this prayer of peace
To allow us all to realize
The truth of our existence
To allow us all to discover
The sanctity of our lives
To allow us all to seek
The spirituality of our beings
Please allow us to experience
With all our hearts and our souls
The intimate connection to the divine
That we all possess inside
For our bodies are the temples of worship
And our souls the altars
Upon which we shall stand tall
And live out the true meaning
Of our Existence.For the time for the enlightened few is over
The age of elitist enlightenment has passd
For how long do you seek to wait for prophets
To come down from mountaintops
And tell us what to do
We all must become enlightened
To recognize our divinity
To raise up our consciousness
And proclaim our independence
From blind reliance on long ago sages
And find the answers from our own well
Of spiritual wisdom
We must ourselves become the enlightened ones
We must ourselves realize our Oneness
I declare that we must all become “earthlingsâ€
Of the earth
And not of any religion, nation, or race.
But of this earth, for this earth, and by this earth
To create a lasting peace
On earth.I offer this prayer of peace
For the United Nations
In which we stand here today
To lift itself from the quicksand of politickery
And live out its distinctly spiritual goal
To eradicate the disease of war
And create an equitable and peaceful world.
Let us hope that the UN finds the strength and the will
To become the spokesperson for all people of the earth
And not just for th few priviledged nations
Let us wish upon the UN the wisdom
To become the beacon that we can all follow
To the promised land of love and peace
I pray to thee
God of all gods, the divine that lives within us and connects us in One Life
That you grant us the vision to establish a Spiritual UN
That will guide us into the next millennium.I offer this prayer of peace
With all my fellow “earthlingsâ€
For a lasting peace on Earth.My World Visitor Map!
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