amarie profile picture


No hype, no gloss, no pretence, jus me...strippd..

About Me

.. **** ***


My Interests

Cute lil icons:
I heart pink
Em & my Vhot girly Cola Cola got me hooked on tiffany, after they brought me my keyring...
thank god for tights! i cant go all winter without my mini skirts!
true that...
i wish! thatd b a good relationship!
every1 says it, but i mean it, my friends mean the world to me
Dont own Dior shoes... yet, just over 100 pairs of others...
Wheres mine?
love this label
hahaha, this bunnys jus like me, offensive but honest!
For all my friends and fam
a quote i actually seriously used before, avin a moment! haha

People... family, friends and boyfriend

My Future...

...having a fun career, and enjoying going to work everyday.
Paying off my student overdraft.
Paying off my student loan
Travelling the world b4 choosing where i wanna spend the rest of it...

"SUCCESS is getting and achieving what you WANT. HAPPINESS is wanting and being content with what you GET." - Bernard Meltzer.

I heart Animals...

... i miss all my old pets - PrincessDior Sparkle Twinkle Tush,

Fudgey, Tinker, Baby, Belle, Chocolate, Misty...
My fav animals r dogs, rabbits, hamsters, ducks... lol

Sparkly Pants...

hahaha, i had to!!

Music and Films...

... iv always either got music or a film on in the background, especially at night, i hate silence!


... Either shakin it, or sweaty crazy dancin wi mummy, tryin 2 embarrass whoever wer with, usually works, haha


Since iv given up chocolate especially, iv become obsessed with sweets, my favs gta be:
Skittles & tutti fruities,
im also a sucker for Pringles


...Even though iv given it up, i do allow one bar at the weekends, n its always gna be galaxy, its sooo sexy!!

Oh n clearly MySpace, even though i never have time anymore...

Princess, my baby:


My Friends from Uni, Camp and home are the bestest...

"I like them, I like them! I liked them first! Before I even met them I liked them! As soon as I met them I liked them right away! You hate them compared to how much I like them!" - Mort the Mouse Lemur, Madagascar
Even when i annoy

I'd like to meet:

All my old school friends, University friends, Camp Cedar or American Crew, and anyone else who thinks they might know or remember me!!
Leave me a message on my lil post-it...

cos im not responsible for the amount of damage i do to ur ego wen i send my abusive msg back telin you to go fuk urself den ul do us all a favour n never reproduce!!


**Music is the universal language of mankind - Henry Wodsworth Longfellow **

**im 100% obsessed with music...**
** iv always got my ipod, itunes, cds or the radio on..**

** "Dance as though no one is watching, Sing as if no one can hear, Love as though youv never been hurt, Live as though its your last day on earth BUT Dream as if youl live forever.€?

**i love singin, but ur not likely to hear me cos i get too **

**right now im into a lot of chilled out music, but i love my hip hop, oldies, classics and exclusives no1 has heard & overplayed yet...**

**some of my fav artists include Christina Aguilera,

Lionnel Ritchie, Michael Jackson, Jagged Edge, Savage Garden, Ne-yo, Alicia Keys, Norah Jones, Whitney Houston, Simply Red, Joe, Will Young, Snow Patrol, James Morrisson... to name a few. **


- MeAn GiRlS

- bRiNg It On

iCe AgE
In love with this film, Sid is soooo funny!


- dIsNeY fLiKs **
My favourite has gta be Aladdin, how friggin cute is my abu cursor!!!! love it!!
- Sleepin Beauty, wi my fav fairy who turns everythin pink..
- Robin Hood cos hes where im from, ye olde Nottinghamshire lol

- tinkerbell from peterpan...

Other Disney Movies...

Beauty & the Beast


** other movies im realy into...** ...


Loving all the soaps at the mo- Home & Away, Neighbours, Doctors, Hollyoaks, Coro, Emmerdale, Eastenders

Simple Life is my fav!

Simpsons is an all time classic

All the old cartoons...
Winnie the poooooh

and the old skool tv programmes...


My favourite Author is Ben Elton
Hes really clever, his books are funny but actually go into really serious issues without you realising it
I love "Dead Famous" - its a piss take on Big Brother. "Inconcievable" is really good too

i really wanna read Derren Browns new book too


My Daddy, Alan Viggers

is my ultimate hero cos he got so ill n almost died but fought thru it n is doin so much better, im well proud of him!

My Mamma

Even though she loves & always sends me cards wi these weird eyed animals on, lol, shes mad, must b where i get it from
her best quote is
"Why do gangsters wear condoms on their heads?"

Paris Hilton

Everyones so quick to slag her off, but shes always smiling, has everything she wants, knows how to have a good time & its not her fault she was born into money. Ne1 who thinks they wud b born into it n not spend it, lemme meet u, n trip u up u stupid person!!
She acts the bimbo yea, but she knows ho to make more money than youl ever have, so keep slaggin her off, give her some more publicity....
Nicoles cool too, but she really needs 2 get help, cos shes dangerously thin, n it doesnt look good at all
she was best with her boobs & butt like the rest of us, guys need somethin to grab hold of!
Come on nicole - EAT!!
MySpace Codes
My 2006 is ending, questionnaire...
2006 is OVER
In 2006, did you...
fall in love with someone that was just a friend?: yea, at cedar, hes my bf now
fall in love at all?: yea, same agen
lose any friends?: not lose but distance from yea
make any new friends?: yea, cedar made me some of my closest mates yet this yr
make any new enemies?: haha, wherever i go i make them, i love to b hated
develop any new hobbies?: im a better swimmer, i keep fit, i spin for hours, n im calmer
get older?: hell yea, 22 is gettin on, my next bday 2celebrate big style is 30, euw!
do anything you regret?: not really, i got hurt but i had a lot of fun so it evens out
go to any parties?: not too many house parties actually this yr
accomplish anything?: i passed my law degree, passed my american red cross, survived another camp summer, gta boyfriend, graduated, and got a grown up job - i did good
make much money?: not at all, i sucked!
attend a wedding?: yea, my aunties, it was the best weddin eva. she looked beautiful & her dress was stunnin, i gave her away & got all emotional
attend a funeral?: not this year
get any new family members?: yea, a 2nd cousin, baby mia, she is so cute
move away?: i moved to America for 3 months this summer, and i moved bak to notts this sept
gain any new perspectives?: yea, i learnt this year that everything good comes 2 an end but its the start of sumthin new, & that ppl 4get u & dont stay in touch
get into a verbal fight?: of course, altho not too many this year
get into a physical fight?: cough cough, kinda a "pushin" 1, well i pushed, she fell... den i pushed he followed haha
attend any sporting events?: yea, Red Sox Baseball game, den @ camp had loads, we had a basketball game, a huge lacrosse game and i worked the swim heat which we did amazin in
get arrested?: no, i got pulled over by a U.S trooper & he made me say the alphabet & walk etc lol
wreck your car?: no, but some chavs kicked off her petrol cover, id love to do the same to their face...
get a new car?: no, i still have marge, but i wudnt change her for nuttin
make any big purchases?: the most expensive thing i got this yr was my flight to america & the rent at my flat
get kicked out of a store, restaurant or any other kind of business?: nope, iv been good this yr
get fired from a job?: no
get offered a job?: yea, i got offered my new big girl job the day of the interview
get a raise at a job?: no, not yet
learn anything?: i learnt sumthin new everyday, like spanish phrases (from christina songs lol) * elephants r pregnant for 22 months * the rules of baseball * country gay music lol *
dump your bf/gf?: sumthin ended wit sum1
get dumped by your bf/gf?: no
develop any new health problems?: yea, im allergic to latex, n i had a huge reaction at camp, thats pretty big
change as a person?: iv becom so much more independant, iv learnt its me & only me & iv grown up a lot too
get any new piercings?: no
get any new tattoos?: euw no, i used transfers at camp, lol
attend a concert?: yea, well it was Disney Princess on ice lol
crowd surf?: no
travel out of state?: i was in lincoln, went home 2 notts, visited Essex, London (visa), Darlington, Newcastle, Skegness lol
read any books?: yep, loads, jordans abook is amazin, Ben Elton - bout 5/6, 1 in 4 hours from midnight, i stayed up lol. endless law &crim books
travel out of the country?: yea, i travelled to Crete, in may with mummy & cola, n America, Maine on my own, then New york, Boston, Mas, Rhode Island, New jersey...
spend much money?: i spent all my loan, n everythin i earnt at the bar, and at camp... i skinted myself this yr
download any music?: i couldnt tell u how much, millions, at uni i was d/l everyday...
try out any new looks?: yea, i had my hair dark, den long, curly/straight, den at camp it went light, n now i av blonde & blak thru it, wit a new cut too
sign up for a myspace?: erm, yea ur on it...
sign up for a facebook?: im gna do 1 in a min, all my americans keep tellin me 2..
eat a food that you had never eaten before?: i tried sushi!! it was so ming, but i did! @ a kids house in New York. i tried Salmon, its nice but bit sickly, i like ham now too
go golfing?: yea, shane tried 2 teach me at camp, i was k :s
go bowling?: no actually, i dint this yr
go to many parties?: sure this has been asked?!?! not really
start to resent something or someone that you used to like?: i resented sum1 for goin behind my bak but ne1 wud in my situation
In 2006, how many....
different places did you work?: erm,Noseys mainly, pulse wi nicola, ponana wi em&nic (lol numbers in pockets = angry wives!) Camp Cedar, Eversheds Solicitors, so bout 5
times did you go out drinking?: wow, id love to kno that, a lot...
times did you smoke marijuana?: none
drugs did you take?: loads a para, ibuprofen 4 migraines, nics cocods lol, but nothin illegal, it was all for illness
times did you have health problems?: i fractured my elbow playin kiss chase, pml, i went 2 docs a few times, i had bugs, changed my pill, went on the injection, found my allergy 2 latex
times did you go to the movies?: quite a lot, i go bout once every month on average geek
concerts did you attend?: just the one, disney on ice, i wanted 2 c bsb tho
people did you make out with?: not many actually - 4, 2 at uni, n 3 at camp - wow thats good!!
people did you have sex with?: 3, includin my bf
people tried to have sex with you?: erm, 2 at camp but i sed no, 1 at home
times did you get your ass kicked?: haha, by the kids everyday, but realistically never
crushes did you have?: about 5, lol, but 1 of those was just lust
times did you attend church?: not once
bad habits did you pick up?: i started 2 sleepp in way too late at uni
"rough nights" did you have?: lol, oh my god in the t-p at camp was horrible, it was open so there was bugs & mud everywhere, the kids were 8, all 9 of em, n were scared & i ad my latex reaction
In 2006, what was?
your favorite day of the year?: my results day, i was so scared id failed, but timbo came wit me 2 the camp office& i jus screamed &jumped, n every1 was so happy 4 me. my best camp ppl wnet portland that nyt
your favorite band?: i dnt think theres jus 1, i liked the roots, from camp, n savage garden cosv ben&nic, but jagged edge id say
your least favorite day of the year?: my last day at uni, wakin up in an almost empty room, sayin bye2 every1 i cared so much about & endin uni, it was my worst day ever
your favorite movie?: mean girls, thanx 2 em &nic for introducin me, ice age also tho, n madagascar
your favorite song of the year?: Never Forget, its my uni song, makes me cry but i love it. n "get mine u get urs" christina, i overplayed it so loud!!
the most expensive thing you stole?: erm ,i dint steal i dnt think, oh yea i did, a few bits of clothes from camp...
the biggest event you attended?: my graduation, at lincoln cathedral, amazing
something that didn't change at all this year?: shitsfield (where im from)
your favorite holiday?: Crete, it was so funny, relaxin, random & so many laughs
Misc. questions about 2006 A.D.
were you in a hospital this year?: yea, i fractured my elbow in the states, ad 2 have xrays etc
were you in an ambulance this year?: no
did you make any big confessions in 06?: yea, i guess, i told a guy i liked exactly how i felt, he never really took me seriously tho
did you make friends with anyone of the opposite sex that you love but only: i think this means as a mate - yea, loads, Greg became a better friend, ben from camp, along with shane,lewis, ryan
embarrassed about anything you did this year?: i cant think of nethin, but i bet i did loads a stuff... oh i missd a deadline 4an essay by 2seconds..
what's the best thing to happen to you this year?: bein surrounded by all my mates at uni, who r/were amazin, every1 i love stayin healthy & mainly happy
did you meet anyone that you could see yourself marrying: i dont believe in marriage really, i dnt think u need a piece of paper 2 prove ur love 4 sum1
did anyone you have no feelings for confess to having feelings for you?: not really, but pml at the boy who was msn-in me 4 weeks who was totally besotted wit me & my bowels!! euw
did you vote this year?: nope
did you bring sexy back this year?: ey?!? nicola had a sticky back?!?! haha
was 2006 a great year, an average year or a bad year?: it was an average year, but with loads a fun too
what goals did you set for 2007?: i want my own place, 2 enjoy my job, stay in touch better with ppl &

My Blog


To some girls i used to know::I thought you were my best friend I thought we'd be together to the end Your not the girl I once knew Tell me were she is cause she's not you You used to be that sho...
Posted by amarie on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 05:00:00 PST

feelin you...

Posted by amarie on Wed, 30 Aug 2006 01:56:00 PST


sum ppl recently shat on me (not literally, euuuuuuw) but ders jus a few tings i wanna say.... After all you put me throughYou'd think I'd despise youBut in the end, I wanna thank you'Cause you made m...
Posted by amarie on Thu, 23 Mar 2006 06:08:00 PST