I'd like to meet:
Fine Time to Fake a seizure.
If you are going to cause drama in my life. I don’t want you in my life.
Simple as that. If you judge before you meet; I don’t want to get to know you either.
You can call Me crazy but you honestly have no idea.
You should always hold on to whatever you have, you will Lose it no matter what you do.
beg change from a world that needs some. Don’t take anything for granted, Sit outside in the rain.
Life is only what YOU make of it.
So, I decided to become an architect. Or a baker. Still unsure of it.
But I know one thing, I will change the world somehow.
Until then I’m working at a Movie theatre,
Honestly, I do enjoy my job a lot. Don’t ask me to be sneaking you in.
Life goes by way to quickly for me, I really need more time in a day.
Music is the only thing that makes senses anymore, if we play
It loud enough, it will keep the demons out.
i'll drink 23 more
To wipe this stupid smile off my fucking face
It might take you time and time again to get something right. But you should never give up.
I cannot make you believe. I’ll have high hopes for you. And help you anyway I can. But
If you think the world is out to get you, don’t even talk to me. We all have differences it just
Depends on if you are willing to let your imperfections show. Dare to be different. It’s better that way.
“they†said you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but that isn’t entirely true. If you believe you can’t
Change your ways, you never will. . But If you want to be really Great? Then have the courage to fail big and stick around. make them Wonder why your still smiling.
Man: What do you want?
Ace Ventura: HDS, sir, and how are you this afternoon? All righty, then. I have a package for you.
Man: Sounds broken.
Ace Ventura: Most likely, sir. I'll bet it was something nice, though.