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About Me

Hello! My Name is Helenea. I'm 20 years old Musician and live in a fucking down country called Norway. i Drop'd out of High school.I have a lovely job!( not the job, but the people at work). I LOVE EM! It Makse my day I also Love my Friends and Family to the death! They're a big part of me.My passion is music, only music. Make music, listen to it, Watch it, be a part of it and write it. I used to play in a punkalternative band as a Bassist and Lead singer before. But I don't really have a good voice. So i just focus on the drums now :) That's how i am and that's all i gonna be, always.Is nothing better than chill, think about your problems, and not solve them. Just think out how you an get out of it or how to fix them. And write down your feelings, your problem or just whatever.Paper,pen and guitar and I'm IN!Jaja, som person vill eg sei at eg tar hensyn te masse rare ting. Vennane mine seie mye rart om meg så eg kje makta å remsa opp. Eg e et musikkvraaag, nogen foretrekke mat eg foretrekke Musikk framfor det!=) Det har eg bevist. Alt så ligge i meg e musikk. Det e noge eg virkelig brenne for. Eg elske teininga det føle eg jer et spesielt tegn. Sjøl om eg ikkje e serlig flink i det heila vill eg læra mer av det.Venna means alot. Familie betyr og alot. Eg misslike at andre misslike andre. AT folk ikkje kan godta en person får den det e ,ingen e lige. andre ser meir vanlige ut, andre skille seg ud. Eg lige og utruligt spesielle elle meir unike folk. Acceptance.Det va nå litt...hope you have a good time! ;)Love xHelenex

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

YOU! ;) Pierre Bouvier..

My Blog


When i think back& i'll think about the pain they gived me. When i can't stand the pain, why i gotta do then? Like i'll  screaming louder in my rom. I think, i wish i could be somebody else. We c...
Posted by on Mon, 06 Mar 2006 07:24:00 GMT