♥Karen Anne♥™ profile picture

♥Karen Anne♥™

the more you blow, the bigger they get...

About Me

Layout Provided By CodeMyLayout.com - Myspace Layouts hi im karen and i think that...."POM POM RUUUUULES!!!" I live in the Chula Vista ghetto where you can see the Mexico flag from my roof...literally. One day I hope to make it to the Rock Paper Scissors championship that they show on ESPN on Christmas Day. I always need a new cell phone cus it likes to jump out of my hands and onto the floor on a daily basis. One word, Chipotle. yum. Oh ya and ♥sprinkles♥ are AMAZING ;)

..Pimp n Ho party Summer 2007

Rose's Bachelorette Party

Winter 2007

My Interests

rock paper scissors and thumb war games are awesome, being a couch potato, the occasional game of bowling, making grumpy people ever grumpier, mr. peabody, boarding, football, baseball, CHRISTMAS!, NYC, H&M, school... most of the time, drunk jenga, 3D wood puzzles, Disneyland, text messaging, KidWorks!, being demoted from the decorating committee (%#$@ arts and crafts Rose haha), college ragers, fun times with mi familia and amigos...Vegas trips with the girls...

I'd like to meet:

Nah, I think Im good... I have a big teddyunless youre Charlie Bucket or Oliver Trask or a hobbit or anyone who doesnt have a myspace account or someone from the movie "300" yum.


Geez... theres a plethera of them but im lazy to list them all. To name a few... Velvet Revolver, Green Day, Blink, Kelly, Chili Peppers, Bob Marley... Anyhow I never know artists, just lyrics... unless its the Beatles cause they rock my socks... and KOST 103.5 non-stop Christmas songs in December is always AWESOME


Elf, Breaking Up, Home Alone series, Willy Wonka, Rounders, Dumb and Dumber, Sweetest Thing, Half Baked, Old School, Wedding Crashers, Boondock Saints, Disney stuff, the occasional tagalog movie, Saving Face, most girlie movies, Harry Potter series, anything with Will Ferrel, Garden State, John Hughes movies


Family Guy, The OC, 24, Sex and the City, Las Vegas, Conan O'Brien, Friends, South Park, Chappelle Show, anything on The Food Network, Discovery Channel shows especially the ones about sharks or storms, cartoons, old SNLs, Chargers and Padres games, Zach and Cody


Nicholas Sparks books, Da Vinci Code, Chase Rate Sheets, my school books


Mom and Dad

My Blog

Love ♥

What does Love mean?A group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4 to 8 year-olds, "What does love mean?" The answers they got were broader and deeper than anyone cou...
Posted by ♥Karen Anne♥™ on Fri, 30 Jun 2006 09:56:00 PST