About Me
- Hello, Good afternoon... My name is Tom, and Im an alcoholic.
Chances are Ill be drunk as you are reading this.
- I am a raging woofter.- I find it hard to make friends because of my drink 'problem' and suspected ADHD.My doctor says that as part of my rehab I should try to make new friends. That's why I joined myspace. To get people to like me. He said that if I put something funny in my 'profile' or my 'blog' then hopefully strangers would speak to me and maybe even meet me on a park or a dark street, maybe even at night to make it more 'fun'. I'm not sure what he meant by 'fun' because when he said that, he laughed like how that really really bad man laughs. That one off the telly. Jeremy Clarkson. Him. Dr Lang said i should I go there and just do whatever the stranger wants to do. He also said that sweets taste the best when they're given to you by a stranger. I like my doctor. He's my friend. I think he likes me too.
So if you're still reading this then it means youre my friend. Actually, it means you're my best friend. And that means I love you.