Im iNnoCeNt unTiL ProVen GuiLty...*giggle* profile picture

Im iNnoCeNt unTiL ProVen GuiLty...*giggle*

i sTiLL 3 my BeaRs!

About Me

HeYz....hmmm Im PAuLina And YaYyYy im a SeNioR~!!!! mhm YaYyYyYy!...Im a Classy GirL wiTh a NeVer-eNdiNg positive OuTlooK on JusT aboUt EverYthiNg. iM an ArTisT, i SpeNd a Lot of my TiMe in my StuDios (in the City or aT hoMe). i EnjoY TheaTre and OperA and museuMs. I reaLLy like the outdoors, Fishing, or CampiNg. But I also ReaLLy like the city (especially in the fall). BUT! im aLso very OuTgoiNg, i LoVe TryiNg New ThiNgs and meEtiNg New people...weLL My GoaLs in LiFe hmmm Maybe iLL bE a sURgEON ...An oRthoPedic sURgEON..or i Can Go to PURDUE UNIVERSITY and maJor in CheMisTry and go iNto AntibioTics...iLL adMiTT im a LiL NerDy, i LiKe my SciEnce LoL.why???????? ask??? JuSt CuZ *muah ha ha ha ha ha* ((( hmmmm maybe that wasnt the right moment for an evil laugh))) OoOoORrRr i CaN Go to Art SchooL and MajoR in FasHion Design! Oh WeLL im SiLLy HyPer....NoT ReaLLy.....uhhhhhh YeA NvM PrEttY GosH DarN HypEr. lolz. SenioR yeaR is AwsoMe buT im ReaLLy buSy w/ My ArT . uh Huh. mMm i LiKe know..FaLaLaLALa! I Love ReaDing bOOks and DrviNg aroUNd in My RSX *vroom vroom*. LoL.

My Interests

ChaneL Juicy Versace Prada Dior Tiffany Dooney&Bourke Fendi Valentino CoacH Gucci DoLce & Gabbana Fendi KateSpade Longchamp MichaelKors MarcJacobs Burberry DonnaKaran OscarDeLaRenta VeraWang Armani Ferre Cavalli... mMmMm LoL

I'd like to meet:

hmmmmmmz LiKe As In A PoTeNtiaL OtHer???? SoMe GiRlS SpEnD Too Much Time LookiNg FoR TheIr LoooooVer ThaT TheY beCome DesperAte anD NevEr Do. But id Like to Meet an Honest that wiLL entEr my LiFe, stay, and MaKe it BeautiFuL. The ToTaL Friggin IdiOts GuiDe To LoVe: By Me!!!!! ~~~~~~~~~ RULE UNO: Dont bother the person so much, they already know that youre desperate as hell so dont push it! thats simple.... RULE DOS: Dont cry in front of people, especially the one you like, they know that you crave attention but guess what? its effin annoying especially people who cry at school... weak azz people. RULE TRES: the final rule....wait for them, theyll come around eventually if you let them know you exist while keeping it still kind of distant. trust me it works, always happens when you least expect it so be happy for now.....youll just get a little happier in the end *wink* ...BuT I WouLd LikE to MeeT someone Who CaN maKe A LiFE-SizE ChAiR out of ReD Play-Dough...So I CaN Sit In It.... : D HaHa~~~~~ LISTEN UP!!!!!!!! aLLL OF yOU!!!!!! mY PHILOSOPHY ABOUT SOULMATES~!!!!!! Everyone has two soulmates. One That loves you more than anyone else in the whole world and one that you love more than anyone else in the whole world....... for some lucky people, the two people love eachother more than anyone in the whole world and everything is pooooooofect. But sometimes one needs to choose. Me? i would choose the one who loves me more than anyone in the world. : ) teedlee deedlee lolz.....................................btw my msn is [email protected] if you ever need me! *wink*


i LiKe aLL typEs of music...i especiaLLy love broadway and opera. Take me to The OpeRa!


FiNd ThE OnE...PraCtiCe SaFeR Sex~!!!!!..
Get this video and more at


YeA.....Im StiLL iNtO CarTooNz....YeAAAAAA ARTHUR ROCKS MY SOCKS~!!! lolz BuT YeaH...I WaTcH GreY's AnaTomY and GirLs neXt door ( i 3 that show )LoL


i have this bracelet btw...lolI ReAd A ToN of books~!......IM an exTreMe ReadEr Of Nicholas Sparks BooKS they are amazing!!!!!!!! You know....- The Notebook-.....-a walk to remember- ...... -message in a bottle-....and SoMe ThaT i ReaLLy EnjOyed... -nights in rodanthe- ..... -the guardian-......-a bend in the road-.....-At First Sight- Which is the sequel to -True Believer- . i JusT finished DeaR JohN and omg it was amazing!!!! LoL. But yea I Like OthER Books...ive Read Pride and prejudice several times : )


My HeRo Iz.......MaRcoM Si MueLLa.....this isnt a real person for those of you looking it up in the encyclopedia right now~!!! lolz....Im NoT SuRE AbOUt ThaT But I WoUlD HavE to say GOD is my aLL TiMe HeRo.
Name: PauLina
Birthday: JaNuary 14th 1989
Birthplace: A.H. IL
Current Location: GurNee IL
Eye Color: BrowN
Hair Color: DaRk BrowN
Height: 5ft 3ish..iM shoRt ok?! LoL
Right Handed or Left Handed: RigHt
Your Heritage: iM KoreaN
The Shoes You Wore Today: AE
Your Weakness: a Good DebaTe on PoLitics in Science...LoL...or Diamonds!
Your Fears: Asian PeopLe *haha*
Your Perfect Pizza: mMmMm PePperoNi
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Finalizing CoLLege pLans
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: "omg lyk stfu...well im out ill ttyl lol*
Thoughts First Waking Up: uGh...scHooL
Your Best Physical Feature: Most wouLd say my boobs...pervs...LoL, id Say my Eyes.
Your Bedtime: sLeeping is Fo Suckaz!
Your Most Missed Memory: my DoG MiNi ...*sniff sniff*
Pepsi or Coke:
MacDonalds or Burger King: NeitHer
Single or Group Dates: SiNgLe
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: LipTon Raspberry
Chocolate or Vanilla: ChocoLaTe!
Cappuccino or Coffee: hmm WhiTe ChocoLate Mocha
Do you Smoke: "EFF" No! *haha*
Do you Swear: i Try noT to...
Do you Sing: aLL the Time!!!!!
Do you Shower Daily: Of CouRse
Have you Been in Love:
Do you want to go to College: PurDue!!! woot woot!
Do you want to get Married: YeS
Do you belive in yourself: YeS i am ThE sHizznytt LoL jk jk
Do you get Motion Sickness: NopE
Do you think you are Attractive: iM aLrigHt
Are you a Health Freak: No
Do you get along with your Parents: i LoVe tHem so MucH
Do you like Thunderstorms: BesT WeatHer to haVe sex DuriNg
Do you play an Instrument: PiaNo 10 yeaRs
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: comment
In the past month have you Smoked: SmoKing is 4 PeopLe who haVe as much Common Sense and DeceNcy as a Dry Turd
In the past month have you been on Drugs: NoPe
In the past month have you gone on a Date: a Few...and i HaTed aLL of em
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: oHhHh yeaH
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: NoPe...hmMmm i waNt oreos now
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: LoL yes LaSt nigHt w/ KaTe
In the past month have you been on Stage: YuP ChoiR ConceRt
In the past month have you been Dumped: YeS! on LiKe XmaS! LiKe the worSt guy ever!
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: *haha* No
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: iM not The kiNd of girL that Needs to sTeaL
Ever been Drunk: comment
Ever been called a Tease: YeS... by MaNy
Ever been Beaten up: by My LittLe cousiNs..whoo tHeyre TougH LoL
Ever Shoplifted: NoPe
How do you want to Die: iN a MassiVe aMounT of Pain...i HaVe reasons
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: an OrtHopedic SurGeon
What country would you most like to Visit: ItaLy
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: HazeL
Favourite Hair Color: DarK Brown
Short or Long Hair: ShorT
Height: hmm i LiKe TaLL guys
Weight: tHat doesNt matter
Best Clothing Style: preP
Number of Drugs I have taken: omg caNt keep tracK...aLL that Tylenol and Advil..whooo im a dRuggy LoL
Number of CDs I own: hmmm aboUt 100
Number of Piercings: EaRs (2)
Number of Tattoos: None
Number of things in my Past I Regret: JuSt One...because iVe Learned froM the reSt of my Mistakes

My Blog

The Real Game of Love

Hopefully, love is not really a game to people, but more of an adventure. Both require strategy and knowledge. But  unlike a game, an adventure has no predictable outcome. 1. He is the mast...
Posted by Im iNnoCeNt unTiL ProVen GuiLty...*giggle* on Sat, 10 Jun 2006 03:14:00 PST

My HeaRt: ThE MusiCaL

Find me. The mind is complex, but although one is an individual, the same script is being constantly reviewed and played. The set, being what one sees through his or her mind.... >>>>>>> As you open y...
Posted by Im iNnoCeNt unTiL ProVen GuiLty...*giggle* on Wed, 05 Apr 2006 07:40:00 PST

LooKinG For ThE One?

Well i know how it are either the one who tries to win the battle no matter how hard it is, or youre the one who surrenders and buries the violence and anxiety. theres always that inner confl...
Posted by Im iNnoCeNt unTiL ProVen GuiLty...*giggle* on Sun, 02 Apr 2006 05:26:00 PST