The Ditch Bank Okies have created quite a stir in local bowling alleys and saloons, in their hometown of Clovis, Ca. Their unique style of redneck noise atracted truckers and trailer trash from all across the country. Not only have they rustled up a music style all their own, but have consistently sold out shows to literally "tens" of people.Frontman Ditch displays a fierce style of redneck harmony soon to be recognized and mimicked world wide. Ellie Meg's country fried bass lines and talk show addiction combined with Cuzzin Rif-Raf's drumming and knowledge of fishing lures, provide for a foot stomping rythm section guaranteed to put the cow in your pie. Then there's ol' Skeeter Gatlin who couldn't quite master the 3rd grade, but can play "Freebird" buck naked and blindfolded.DBO's rodeo style, distorted chicken picken', and daily consumption Coors (in a tall can of course) must be the key ingredients that put the achy in your breaky and keeps ya' happier than a rooster in a three story chicken coop. So just when you think you've seen the sun set on the other side of the barn, here come "The Ditch Bank Okies" to prove there's more to life thaan pissin' on Ol' Man Owen's electric fence.