The Ditch Bank Okies profile picture

The Ditch Bank Okies

About Me

The Ditch Bank Okies have created quite a stir in local bowling alleys and saloons, in their hometown of Clovis, Ca. Their unique style of redneck noise atracted truckers and trailer trash from all across the country. Not only have they rustled up a music style all their own, but have consistently sold out shows to literally "tens" of people.Frontman Ditch displays a fierce style of redneck harmony soon to be recognized and mimicked world wide. Ellie Meg's country fried bass lines and talk show addiction combined with Cuzzin Rif-Raf's drumming and knowledge of fishing lures, provide for a foot stomping rythm section guaranteed to put the cow in your pie. Then there's ol' Skeeter Gatlin who couldn't quite master the 3rd grade, but can play "Freebird" buck naked and blindfolded.DBO's rodeo style, distorted chicken picken', and daily consumption Coors (in a tall can of course) must be the key ingredients that put the achy in your breaky and keeps ya' happier than a rooster in a three story chicken coop. So just when you think you've seen the sun set on the other side of the barn, here come "The Ditch Bank Okies" to prove there's more to life thaan pissin' on Ol' Man Owen's electric fence.

My Interests


Member Since: 12/2/2004
Band Website: Soon partner, soon.
Band Members: Ditch: Guitars & Hootin & a Houlerin, Ellie Meg: Chicken Fried Bass & Corn, Cuzzin Rif-Raf: Pots, Pans, & Fishin' Lures, Skeeter Gatlin: Pluckin & Some Hootin'
Influences: Buck Owens, The Misfits, Dwight Yocum, Bad Religion, Johnny Cash, Motley Crue, Grease, Iron Maiden, Hank Williams Sr & Jr, KISS, D.I., Mulch, Elvis, Bruce Springsteen, The Eagles, Jerry Lee Lewis and more when I'm not too stoned to type this! lol
Sounds Like: Bad Religion meets Buck Owens!
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

Old school D.B.O. Thanks kwhopper89

Posted by on Thu, 03 Jul 2008 11:12:00 GMT

Hey everyone, new show info!!!

Drain Bramaged will NOT be playing with us on Saturday, it will be Dead89!...but yeah those Drain Bramaged fuckers play in that band too!!!So get your Sunday duds on everyone and whoop it up with us!!...
Posted by on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 16:01:00 GMT

The Grand High Sophist Did you guys catch all that?! lol...and I met him!!
Posted by on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 17:33:00 GMT

DAMN YOU FRESNO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

See ya'll made us come on back for more shows!!!!So git off yer ass and come see us and have some fun for once!!!!...and if you are still hankerin for more DBO, then git on your horse and head South! ...
Posted by on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 15:57:00 GMT

Too drunk to Buck!!!!

Hey ya'llWe got the info posted for the two Fresno shows on the 27th and 28th,we are waiting to hear back on the L.A. show with the L.A. Derby Dolls and the T.X.R.D. girls on the 29th!I mean common, T...
Posted by on Thu, 29 May 2008 17:35:00 GMT

....this one is for the carnies!

What up fuckers?I just wanted to let you guys know that these two shows coming up will be recorded for our next CD.You guys don't mind waiting 10 years between CD's right? lolBut dammit ya'll common d...
Posted by on Thu, 15 May 2008 17:08:00 GMT

Gettin' Re-hitched...

Yeah yeah, we are workin on it...Skeeter got his pluckin finger bit off by a catfish,so as soon as he can buy some ductape we can start a practicin...
Posted by on Tue, 09 Jan 2007 11:02:00 GMT


Buck is gone and we are crushed!!!!
Posted by on Mon, 27 Mar 2006 08:23:00 GMT

Yee Haw!!!!!

Welp, looks like we're getting re-hitched! So ya'll make sure to see us at your local shitty club! \m/
Posted by on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 00:00:00 GMT