My MMA FIghting (not dumb ass bar shit), hangin out, meeting DSM owners, metting cool people, my car, yea.
Any of this badasses (watch the video dumbass) and YOU !!!!!
I like it all or you could say i have a diverse portfolio
UFC UFC FAMILY GUY, viva la bam, and the food network Mmmmmmmm....PRIDE FC all things mma and UFC
I CAnT ReAD GOod So KeEP RuBbING IT iN FuCk Ass!!!
My beautiful little girl Kyara, MY wife for the the bullshit and her continuios support. My MOM, My DAD,My team at UTC for beating man ass every day to make me better than the day be for. And all the real people in the world how lead by what they say and and follow thur on there words.