About Me
I've been into a little of this and a little of that since high school. I went right into the Army after graduating and then attended The University of Cincinnati studying Political Science.I've followed my father's footsteps and have been involved with various entrepreneurships focusing around defense contracting. My latest exploit is in fitness. Check out www.crossfit.com-it's a smoker! Buckeye CrossFit (mine) is in it's infancy right now. We should have a site up before too long. My brother, Aaron, is training folks at the North Canton YMCA for free right now in an informal capacity. Hopefully, we will officially have classes there before too long.Since 9/11 I've been helping Uncle Sam fight the war on terror with five separate deployments to Kuwait, Kosovo, Oman and Iraq twice. I'm in Baghdad right now and will be home in a few months. Sorry that I haven't kept up with the latest and greatest with things at home in Canton.I've been dating a lovely girl that I met while overseas. She is from New Zealand and raised in London. As you may tell from the pictures, I'm certainly the "beast" to her "beauty." She is my lady, Eleanor (Ellie).Most of my family is still in Canton and I have a place in Washington, DC. I will most likely return to Ohio and settle in either Columbus or Canton.Please feel free to drop me a line. This "Myspace" is great! I hope all is well with whoever reads this...God Bless.