Artemis profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

Im 19, short and chubby.
what type of fairy are you?
goth fairy
You are very dark and mysterious. People dont really know you and you like it that way. You dont ever get too close to people for fear that they might hurt you. You tend to wear all black or very dark colors.
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Which Futurama character are you?
You are Leela
You are a natural born leader. You tend to think before you jump except when it comes to your love life. This comes from a deep lonliness that you just can't seem to kick.
How do you compare?
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Which Simpson Are You
You are Moe Szyslak
Well, you're better than dirt. Most kinds of dirt. It's ok that you you fail at everything, otherwise any of those 137 suicide attempts would have been fatal. The one area where you succeed is being excluded. No offense, but it sucks to be you.
How do you compare?
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Friends, Fun loving pplz... ..

My Blog

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