Mem-struation profile picture


And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.

About Me

Come one. Come all.
I am Miss Emily Belle Cox, formerly of Muswellbrook.
Expect to see me pwning up the stage in a few years time. With any luck I'll be famous and ridiculously wealthy and people I've never liked before will want to be my friend. HA! Kind of like boys when I grew boobs.
I'm doing Acting for Screen and Stage at Charles Sturt University in Wagga Wagga.I love Wagga. Don't underestimate it!
I work at Big W Muswellbrook/Wagga and although I complain alot--- I actually really enjoy it. Good people... generally.
I have some fantastic friends. They keep my world spinning, and they keep me packing when I'm moving out of home ;)...
My best friend: Mitch.
My soulmate: Ravelle.
My fossil friend: Lauren.
My unconditional friend: Colleen.
My drinking friend: Bek.
My confidantes: Sarah A and Rich.
My hero: Jay.
My Wagga lover: Michelle.
My lesbian friend: Gillian.
I luuuurve Subway (eat fresh!) and photos on my walls and having a nice bedroom.
At the moment I drink red wine. If I could afford Frangelico, I'd drink that too.
To me--- three things deserve respect without say...
--- parents
--- privacy
--- partners
I desire quality people in my life... if you're not, then please don't waste my time.
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My Interests

Making magic on screen and stage.
Selling for less.

I'd like to meet:

Still Magda Szubanski... ALWAYS Magda Szubanksi!


Musical numbers baby!
Michael Jackson


Mean Girls
The Notebook
The Emperor's New Groove
Ace Ventura- Pet Detective and When Nature Calls


R.I.P The Glasshouse... my one true love
Family Guy


Bridget Jones' Diary
The Other Side of the Story


Bridget Jones
Jay Barker