I play flute, i love Chipotle, I love people, Chinese food, Spanish cuz i'm 1/2 Puerto Rican, I enjoy spending time with my friends and helping them with problems cuz i wanna be a psychologist!!!
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I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
Sarah Michelle Gellar!!!!
I like a lot of music, i like R&B, Rap, Pop, occasionally Rock, i've liked about 4 Country songs in my life....thats about it
Pearl Harbor, The Notebook, Eurotrip, The Grudge, and many many more that i cant think of at the moment!!
OMG BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER!!!!! I LOVE SARAH MICHELLE GELLAR!!!! I also enjoy Smallville, The O.C., Fear Factor, unfortunately American Idol, and a lot of MTV.
Orson Scott Card's Ender Series, and Harry Potter
My daddy.....i hope to be the female equivalent of him someday....its not gonna happen though, that mans amazing, i just dont measure up :'(