Oprah, Donald Trump, Martha Stewart (I said hello to her once), James Taylor (My grandfather knew him when he was a kid), Carly Simon, My birth parents, Jennifer Aniston, Owen Wilson, Luke Wilson, Drew Barrymore, Adam Sandler, Vin Diesel, Vince Vaghn, Jon Stewart, Bill Mar, any celebrity really to interview them!
I'm not a music buff...but I like Pop, Rock, Ambient, Classical somewhat, and Country only a few songs.
Braveheart, Sweet Home Alabama, Pretty Woman, Clueless, Cruel Intentions, Ocean's Eleven, Ocean's Twelve, I-Robot, Brother O Where Art Thou, XXX, X-Men, Into the Blue, Lord of War, Saving Private Ryan, Sleepless in Seattle, You've Got Mail, When Harry Met Sally, My Girl, Dirty Dancing...and MANY MANY MORE!
I Love MOVIES! Comedy, Drama, and Chick Flix
Jon Stewart, Bill Mar, Entourage, ER, American Idol, Will and Grace, Deal No Deal, My Name is Earl, Weeds
My mother, my father, John, Karen, Megan, Susan Cox, Oprah, Ellen, Meg Ryan, and all of my friends!