Artist. Neurotic. Good-hearted complex (noun AND adj.) Slowing the race to a leisurely crawl, 'tsall that's left in me.... til the next blast of nonsense. Humble abode, raggity clothes and a job that keeps we tripping on the next lite fantastic. Small but explosive family, many close/far friends. Coffee in small doses is my life's blood and ice cream is a diety. No pets but for the friends who let me and no hobbies 'cept for music, music, music and bawbles that shine.
I'm here because I came across my name on someone else's blog. first time I saw that I was an "asshole" and a "bastard" in print. Oh the power of the publicly written word. So, I think I'll visit t... Posted by on Sun, 05 Mar 2006 08:58:00 GMT