The person that i would really like to meet is a person who is easy to talk to and won't get upset over little things. I really look for an affectionate person and a great personality. I like a person who could do things to make me laugh and then have the ability to help me out when I am in need and not just yell or snap at me. I used to know a person like this. As far as famous people I would have to say that I would really like to me my ex-wife even though that she is dead----Aaliyah. I would also like to meet probably siddam and Osama just to get tips on what are great places to hide when playing hide and seek. Finally and probably the best person that I would like to meet is YOU!!!!
I like mostly all types of music as long as it is good. The only type of musicthat i really hate is country i am sorry but that sounds like nails on a chalkboard for me. The types of music that i mostly listen to are hip-hop, slowjams, and sunday night oldies. Right now i am feeling charlie wilson as myslow jams, and as far as hip-hop i am gunna have to go with T.I.