Yo whats good folks, My name is Christian but most you know that I go by "Colombo ROc". I love this hip hop shit with a passion, theres nothing else I can see myself doing in life so I guess this hip hop is somewhat of a curse as well. I honestly listen to everything from Bachata and Salsa to Canadian Hip hop (which is dope). and everything in the middle. I try to stay as eclectic as possible. Most people think I come from New York because of my style and speach, but sorry .. im from the beautiful streets of South East San Diego!!! Remember that shit! So contrary to what most think there are real hip hop heads that come out the South East, so dont assume im a New Yorker, Just know that I speak Hip Hop and the truth on my verses.. Im influeced by many but I couldnt say I sound like anyone....I have my own style of spitten that I want to keep unique. .. So holla at me with any comments or question.. hope you enjoy the music and all I ask is that you truelly listen to the things I say... and hopefully you can relate in someway... because I spit for the everyday people....PEace and LOVE!!
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